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*Lula pov*

"Okay we'll start with the cafeteria since food is the best thing in the whole fucking world." I said as we exited the class. I really don't care if anyone hears my cursing. I heard a few of them chuckle as I took off, them letting me lead. Suddenly I was pushed to the wall. Not like soft shove. More like a professional wrestler shoved me. My entire slammed into the wall. I was pushed to the wall as my backpack was taken by my attacker. My body just  fell I to the ground. I closed my eyes, it hurt less when I don't look. l reach out my hands to stop my fall. I heard something in my left hand or wrist snap as tried to stop my fall. My cry of pain never left my lips cause another person came over held me up and punched my face, kneed my stomach. I breathed all the pain in. I was released and on instinct I curled up into a ball and covered my head and ears. Ignoring the growing pain. If I keep breathing it'll stop hurting in a minute.

I heard some banging around and yelling. I fought against instinct and lifted my head up and opened my eyes. Moving my hands to my chest the right one over the left one, still staying in my ball. Selien and a few of the other transfer students were fighting four of, what I now recognized as, the football players that had attacked me. The bigest guy stood in front ofme in a kind of protective stance. Like if anyone charged me he was gonna deal with it. Selien and the others were throwing them around like they were nothing. Dogging every single punch and kick thrown at them. One by one the football players ran off. Selien and the other four watched them run until they were completely out of sight. Than Selien literally ran to me. "Are you okay? Is anything broken? Do you need a doctor? We're taking you to a doctor." She said all this while trying to look me over and not leaving a second for me to answer. 

Everyone had scattered as soon as the fight turned against the football players. If you asked anyone it never happened. Even though my head will tell you different. "I'm fine," I said stubbornly while trying to push her away from me. Forgetting my hand. I flinch when I placed pressure on it then immediately moving it back to the position of me holding it to my chest. "Fuck." Usually it takes longer to heal. I guess my body is too used to the adrenaline.  "No you're not! Your face is already bruising! And whatever that was with your hand! Now we are taking you to a doctor!" Selien yelled clearly mad. She picked me up bridal style and I did nothing. 

I don't think I actually could stop her if I tried. She kind of scares me to be honest. I mean what girl can fight like that? Two of the guys ran ahead of us as we headed out. I just tried to relax. I mean this lady is hot but no one is cozy being carried when the other is running.  We exited into the parking lot two cars one red one black, we're in the front and we all piled into both of them. I was a bit jealous internally. I couldn't have a car because of the costs it came with. I have no clue what kind of cars they were. Cars are not my thing. All I know is I want one cause they are convenient. I was carried into the back seat of the black one. Selien bucked me in the middle seat and before she even had her seat belt on we were gone, probably going faster than the speed limit. 

"I swear to whatever God or Goddess there is, them boys are going to die if I ever see them again." I think she could do it. She threw that one guy like three feet. The guy driving let out a huge sigh. "Selien no killing. They may deserve it but still no killing." Selien grumbled something under her breath. I honestly have no idea what to do right now. "You didn't have to help me, you know that right." Selien growled and grabbed me pulling me into a hug. I almost flinched. I really don't like her throwing me around like this. I'm not very touchy. "Never say that. We helped you cause one it's the right thing to do. You are-" the guy in the passenger seat interrupted, "You're our friend. By the way I'm Jack this is my boyfriend Walter. Selien stop strangling Lula we're here." Selien reacted fast undoing our seat belts and carrying me out of the car before I could do anything. I can put my own seat belt on, I can take it off. Not that I'm going to tell this crazy lady that. I noticed we we're at a house, and not the regular doctors office. Before I could ask Selien ran inside still holding me and yelled, "Doctor Kearman I need your help." 

Why should I be surprised that a girl that can throw me God knows how far already knows the doctor? I'm not just at least knock I'm not bleeding out. I'm not dyeing. A middle aged man came over saw me and lead us quickly to a room that looked like a standard patient room. Selien placed me on the bed. "Selien you can leave now." She opened her mouth but no words were said as she left the room. He turned to me shaking his head. "What was it this time? Stairs? Frying pan? Dog scared you again?" I shrugged. He glared at me and left the room. I've never been to his house before. He's joked that I should just meet him at his house for stuff. Safe him a trip to the office. I never took him seriously.

He came back with a raw steak and his portable X-ray machine. He silently took the X-ray. I just heald the steak to my face. He grabbed some stuff from underneath the bed. "Your ribs are fine for once. It'll just bruise." He grabbed my hand and before either of us could make a sound he restrained the bone. I screamed quietly. "Fucking hell." He immediately started to wrap it up. Selien barged in. "Is she okay? Is she dying?" He turned to her and pointed at the door. "Get out and stay out." She looked at me and the room than walked back out.

He finished in silence. I let him focus. "Alright you'll need to keep it on for a while. Let it fully heal for once will you. I'll see you in a couple months to check up on you then. If I don't see you sooner. Also I think you should tell the authorities. Not that you listen but I don't want to see your corpse." I handed him back the steak. He's also the coroner. He doesn't know that he's the only one that doesn't want to see my corpse. We went to the living room were everyone was waiting. "How is she?" Jack asked beating Selien to it. 

I sighed audibly, "Not deaf and as I told you before I'm fine. Just a broken hand and a bruise on my face. Nothing I can't handle." It's true I could handle it without any help. I've done it before. Though truth be told, I'm not fine. Knowing when I get back it will just be worse, than if they had just stayed out of it. Though I'm happy that they seemed to care. Sad it wont last. "Wait, what time is it?" I look at the clock on the wall 7:45. "Shit I've got a class in 15minutes I can't be late!!!" I said rushing out the door. Selien ran ahead of me opening the door to the red car. I hesitated. I can't be late. Enter the passenger seat. Selien ran around to the drivers seat and took off. Again way above the speed limit. I better not be fucking late.

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