It starts with a keek

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"Come gimme a hug Ashton." Luke whined. Luke liked Ashton. More than a friend should, he thinks. "No one wants to hug you Luke." Ashton said as if he were talking to a fiver year old. "Ashton wont give me a hug." Luke complained tiredly. He seems tired a lot more these days. "No one!" Ashton laughed. Luke likes Ashtons laugh. "No one!" He repeated, and this time Luke joined in on the laughing. "You look like a mermaid." Ashton said observantly with a laugh. He then made a dolphin noise as Luke moved his legs back and forth, like a mermaid. Both Ashton were laughing now. "Ye-uh." Ashton said after he did that cute little gasp he always did after he laughed. Luke liked it. He liked everything about Ashton. The keek ended and Ashton uploaded. "Can I have that hug now?" Luke asked Ashton. Ashton sighed like it pained him but eventually went over to hug Luke. Luke grinned and pulled him into the bed with him. Ashton let out a surprised noise but allowed it, shuffling to get more comfortable.  "Im tired." Luke whined, hiding his face in Ashtons neck. "Youre always tired." Ashton teased, chuckling. "Mmhmm." Luke agreed, beginning to drift off. "Aww, look at the lovebirds!" Calum said loudly as he barged into the room. Luke groaned, pulling the covers over him and Ashton. "Go away Im sleeping!" He yelled. "Nope." Calum said and ripped the covers off them. Luke wrapped his legs and arms around Ashton, refusing to take his head out of his neck. "Im not moving." He mumbled. "Come on, sloth. We have recording to do." Calum said, grabbing Luke and prying him off of Ashton. "Noooo." Luke protested weakly. Micheal came in a few seconds later and handed a freshly brewed cup of coffee to Luke. "Drink up, bud." he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "We gotta go in like, 5 minutes." Luke choked on his coffee, and Calum pounded him on the back as Ashton spluttered. "5 minutes?!" He croaked. He downed the rest of his coffee quickly, ignoring the burning of his throat, and stood up. "Out out, all of you out." He said, shoving the boys out of the hotel room. "But its my room!" Ashton whined. Luke opened the door and allowed him to slip in before running around the room like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to find some clean clothes to wear. "3 minutes!" Micheal yelled through the door. Luke gave up on trying to find clean clothes and just pulled on his jeans with the hole in the knee and his favorite smiley face tank top, which he had worn yesterday. He ran into the bathroom and quickly washed his face and then brushed his teeth. He quickly styled his hair up. It wasnt as good as he could do, but Micheal counting down the seconds made him rush. "4, 3, 2, 1." Micheal finished as Luke ran out of the room, out of breath but grinning. "Didnt you wear that yesterday?" Ashton asked. "No time for questions, lets go go go." Micheal said, shoving everyone out of the hotel room. "I think that was a personal record for how quickly Luke got ready." Ashton laughed, clapping Luke on the back. Luke liked it went Ashton touched him. Ashton was warm, and wherever he touched always left tingles down his spine and a smile on Lukes face. "Oh bugger off." Luke teased, pushing Ashton gently. Ashton laughed and shoved him back. Micheal rolled his eyes and hailed a cab. The 4 hopped in, Micheal sitting up front with the cabbie, muttering something about how he could only deal with three idiots for so long. Calum and Ashton kept making faces at Micheal on the whole drive there, and Luke would just roll his eyes at them and shake his head. "You're 5." He told them once they had gotten out of the car and started walking to the place where they would be writing. Usually they would only go in pairs, but today management had wanted them to all come down and finish the song. Theyd record it, maybe film a keek and update twitter before going and getting ready for another concert. After the concert they would get some food at a McDonalds or something, and then theyd go to the hotel. Theyd probably watch a movie until they fell asleep, and then theyd have the next day off. "Alright boys, you ready?" Management asked as they walked in. Ashton nodded. Let the day begin, Luke thought. 

"I could eat 12 big macs and still be hungry." Luke complained, dropping onto the carpeted floor of their hotel room. Ashton dropped down on top of him. "We know, Luke. Just, shh." Ashton put his hand over Lukes mouth. His arms hurt. He played the drums extra today, since One Directions drummer had gotten sick and he had to cover for him. He was the most tired out of all of them. He fell asleep almost instantly, on top of Luke. "Guys! Help!" Luke whisper shouted, not wanting to wake the sleeping boy on his chest. Ashton was snoring quietly. He looked so peaceful, and cute. "Sorry Luke. Youre on your own." Calum snickered and stepped over the two bodies, Micheal following him. Luke groaned. He didnt want to wake Ashton up, but he kept poking the older boy until he mumbled a barely coherent 'what?' "You need to get up so I can take you to the bed." Luke muttered. "Carry me." Ashton demanded. Luke chuckled and wiggled out from underneath of Ashton. Ashton made grabby hands towards him. Luke bent down. He put one arm under Ashtons knees and the other under his neck before hauling him up. Ashton was light, and Luke liked holding him. Liked the way he turned his head to hide his face into his chest, like Luke could protect him from everything the world would throw at him, and Luke would. Hed do anything for Ashton. Liked the one way one arm wrapped around Lukes neck, but the other one around his back and he was holding tightly onto Luke shirts, like a small child. So Luke thought about these small things that probably meant nothing to Ashton, but meant so much to Luke. He felt as though Ashton trusted Luke, and just Luke, but he probably wouldve done the same with Micheal or Calum if they had been the one holding him. He was at Ashtons bed a bit too quickly if you asked him, but he stopped down to gently put Ashton in the bed. Ashton wouldnt let go of his shirt though, and Luke laughed. "Ash, you need to let go." He chuckled. "No. Cuddles." Ashton said, scooting over. Ashton did this sometimes, like something would hurt him if he didnt have someone to protect him while he slept. Either that or he was just too tired to care. Luke sighed and crawled into bed with him. "Alright, Ash. Just for you." He said, kissing the sleepy boys forehead. "Love you Lukey." Ashton mumbled. "Love you too, A." Luke said clearly. Ashton slipped into dream land, his soft snores filling the room. "If only you knew, Ashy, if only you knew." he said into the air. He shook his head and wrapped an arm around the older boys waist, hugging him closer to his chest like he was scared hed slip away if he didnt hold him tight enough.  Luke thought--knew--he was in love with Ashton. Or at least had a crush on him. Like, a major, take over your life type crush. Well, he was screwed. 

*So I feel like I did an entirely different style of writing today. What do you guys think? Did I do good? Leave a comment and do tell! Also, it someone could make me a cover, I would love you forever!*

My little drummer boy *Lashton*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora