Some maybe friend part two: The Interview, AKA Cal meets his girl

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*Pic in the side is, of course, of Lauren. Hope this chapter lives up to what you want it to, Lauren!* 

Calum was excited for this interview. Scratch that, Calum was excited for every interview ever in the history of ever. He loved letting his fans get to know him, he loved answering their questions, he loved talking with the interviewer, he loved everything about it. "Heads up, Cal, I heard this interviewer is pretty smoking." Micheal said as they walked into the radio station. Micheal told the receptionist why they were here, and she pointed them to the room they were meant to go to. "And what does that have to do with me?" Calum asked as they walked down the halls. "Because we all have someone but you." Micheal smirked and Calum pushed him. "Oh bugger off." He mumbled as he opened the door to the interview room. A girl with curly blonde hair that just met her shoulders was shuffling through some cards, sitting in one of those swivel chairs. "Hold on boys." Her voice was sweet, smooth, and calming. Calum already knew the face behind the voice would be beautiful. He was proven correct as she spun around, a pair of headphones loose on her neck. She stood up, holding her hand out. "Evening boys, names Lauren." She grinned as the boys shook her hand. Micheal snapped his fingers. "You went to school with us. We had lunch and maths with each other." He said. Lauren nodded. "Correctumundo, Mikey. You guys were a joy to have in class." She sat back down in the blue chair. "Anyway, not why were here. Lets have an interview, shall we?"

Lauren was funny. She had the boys laughing with every question, and she was very calm and collected. "Alright, well be taking some viewer questions now, so send them in, yeah? Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr. Whatever you have to do." She spoke into the microphone as she opened up the websites she listed off, and immediately the questions came flooding in. "Hemmngs69 wants to know if any of you boys are single. If not, who are you dating." She read off. Calum was the only one to raise his hand. "But uh, Im not planning on staying single for very long." He winked at Lauren, who rolled her eyes. "Always the flirt. Cheeky little shit." The boys chucked at her comment. "Alright Mikey, whos the lucky lady?" Lauren. "I am currently dating a beautiful girl named Autumn." He said, smiling. "Aww, I wish you guys could see him right now. Hes smiling and being all lovey-dovey." Lauren cooed, and Micheal blushed. "Ashton, Luke, what about you two?" She asked. "No comment." They boys recited simultaneously. "Alright then, privacy, thats good." Lauren nodded before going to back to her questions. "Alright, lukes into drummers on tumblr asked, nice Lashton url by the way, if you boys could trade with any member of the band for a concert, who would it be and why?" Lauren turned her chair to look at the boys. "Um, I think Id like to be Cal, because I want more solos." Micheal nodded.  "Good reasoning, Micheal." Lauren nodded her approval. "Um, Id quite like to be Luke,  just because Lukes a cutie." Calum ruffled Lukes hair. "Very true." Lauren agreed. "Id want to be Ashton, because playing the drums would be cool, I think." Luke said, trying to fix his hair. "Id want to be Lukey, because Id think itd be cool to be the front man for once." Ashton chimed in.

The rest of the interview proceeded as so: Questions were asked, pretty girls were flirted with, and numbers were exchanged. Ill give you a hint, Calum stayed up till one in the morning texting said number. Didja guess? Good, it was Lauren. Calum laughed as another text came in, yet another cheesy joke, compliments of Lauren. "Cal? Sweety, why are you still up?" His mom asked sleepily as she walked into his room. "Sorry mum, I was texting my friends." Calum said sheepishly, shoving his phone under his pillow. "Well, get to sleeping, honey. I dont want you to sleep in late tomorrow." Calum nodded, turning over in his bed. He sent off one last text to Lauren, telling her he had to go and to have a good nights rest. He fell asleep with a smile on his face.

*No notes in this chapter. But Lukes first day of school and Cal is finally getting a girl. Yay him! So, 15 likes till next chapter, and 4 new comments. Love you guys! Also thats my tumblr, you all should follow me*

My little drummer boy *Lashton*Where stories live. Discover now