Chapter 15 aka I cant think of a fucking title whoops

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 Im gonna write this chapter in present tense. If you like it better, tell me and Ill go through the chapters and edit them into present tense, if not, Ill fix this chapter and make it past tense. Sound good?*

Luke watches. Luke watches the way the students shove each other into random lockers at school, pushing the freshman out of the way. Watches as a group of kids bully some student because she has glasses. Watches as Leanns face contorts and her lip trembles as someone yells out ugly in the middle of Mr. Reynolds class. Along with annoying, stupid, and nobody like you. Watches as she clenches her jaw hard, blinks the tears away and wipes away the others as they touch her lower eyelashes. Listens as she throws out a comeback through clenched teeth, making sure her voice doesnt wobble. Watches as she runs up to Hunter, laughing and smiling, telling him how good the 1 out of 2 classes she has without him is. Watches as a group of kids go around, high fiving each other as they cheer about how some kid Luke barely knew committed suicide because of the bullying. Watches as all his friends break down and leave on that day. And he hates it. By the end of his first week he hates that damn school and almost everything in it. So he waits. He waits for another word to come out of that Brandon kids mouth. As another chuckle falls off of Anthonys lips, another tear pools in Leanns eye, before he snaps. "Maybe you should shut the fuck up." He says quietly one day in Mr. Reynolds class as Brandon torments Leann. Hes sat in between Brandon and Anthony, with Leann in front of him, some kid named Tim sat next to her, and her friend Kelli on her other side. "What'd you say?" Brandon asks and Luke jumps up. "I said, shut the fuck up you piece of shit! Cant you see what youre doing hurts!? We just had a kid commit suicide, do you want another one? With their blood on your hands!? God dammit Brandon, stop picking on her! Being a dick isnt gonna make yours any bigger." Luke ignores the 'oohs' sounding out from class, ignores Leann staring up at him in awe, ignores Mr. Reynolds calling his name calmingly. "Its a dick move! What fun do you get out of it, huh? You know shes falling apart, you know it hurts, so fucking stop, before I start doing something worse to you." Lukes about to sit down again, about to text Ashton about this hellhole, until he hears Brandon behind him. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Faggot." And then Luke stands up and swings at him. His fist catches Brandons jaw before Brandons on the floor, clutching the side of his face. "Shut the fuck up!" Luke screams. "Lucas Hemmings! Deans office, now!" Mr. Reynolds voice cuts through his thoughts, heavy with surprise. Luke spits at Brandon. "Dirt." He snarls before he grabs his bag off the ground and walks out of the classroom.

Ashton picks up Luke. He sighs as he parks the car in front of the school, acts like the disappointed band member as he escorts Luke out of the school. But when Luke clambers into the car, tugs nervously on his shirt, Ashton is bringing Lukes head to his and kissing him. Luke kisses back slowly, surprised, before pulling away. "And that was for?" he asks hesitantly, scared, as though he was being tricked. "Im so damn proud of you." Ashton whispers softly, and Luke smiles for the first time since that damn reading class. "Now, how about some ice cream?" And just like that its over.

Ashton wants something. Or, wanted, while he was in the mall with Luke. It was a simple shirt from Hot Topic, but Luke refused to let him buy it. It was a pony, rainbowdash, dressed as Captain America. And hot damn did he want it. He was whining to Luke the entire car ride home. So, when he gets home the next day and finds a package at his door, he thinks its from Luke. He jumps for joy as he runs up to his room, calls a quick hello to his siblings as he jumps onto his bed. He pulls out his pocket knife and tears through the tape quickly, ripping open the box. The knife clatters to the ground as he spots the familair, messy yet scribbled handwriting from the letters. His hands shake, heart speeds up and skips a beat as he grabs the letter and reads it. 'Saw you wanted this at the store. Really, Ash, you should stop throwing my letters away. Its very rude. Signed, anon.' So now they were signing it. Ashtons breath hitches as he pulls out the same shirt he saw from the mall. It trembles in his hands before he lets it fall next to the still open knife. He shoves the box and letter off his bed and scrambles up. He slips on the shirts and slices his hand up on the knife. "Fuck!" He yells, clutching his now bleeding his hand to his chest. He hisses in pain as the fabric rubs against the raw cut and he pushes himself up with his other hand. "Mum! Have we got any bandages around?!" He calls, still cradling his injury like a new born child. "Bathroom closest to yours!" His mum calls back.

Ashton patches himself up and cleans up the bloody knife, shoving it away in his drawer. He pushes the shirt far back into his closet. He doesnt want it anymore. He hates it now, thinks its tacky and disgusting. He picks up the slightly wrinkled letter and examines it closely, looks for any hints, and eyelash or a skin particle, even. He pushes that, too, back far into a drawer, hoping never having to look at it again, before he calls Luke. Luke makes things better. God, Ashton would die without Luke. Might die with Luke. So he picks up the phone and waits to hear his boyfriends soothing voice.

*Yayyy chapter over! Also, thanks to HollyofMidgard for help with the tee shirt design. QOTD; Who do you guys think is sending Ash the letters and shit? Leave it in the comment. Im gonna go easy on you for being late with my update, so only 5 likes and no comments for next chapter. Love you guys!*

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