Day off gone bad

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Luke woke up without Ashton the next morning. He panicked for a second, before hearing the boy laugh loudly. He sat up and stretched his arms above his head, hearing his back crack. He loved that feeling. He swung his legs over the bed and winced as his feet hit the cold floor before padding over to the kitchen, where Ashton was cooking lunch. Luke didnt know why he did, but he wrapped his arms around Ashtons waist from behind, resting his chin on the short boys shoulder. Ashton turned his head to look at him. "Hey there Sleeping Beauty." Ashton said, kissing Lukes nose. Luke blushed and giggled and wished he didnt and he was glad when Ashton turned his head back around to finish lunch. He couldnt keep acting all lovey dovey around the fellow band mate or Ashton would begin to suspect something and he couldnt have that happening, he just couldnt. So he let go of Ashtons waist and hopped up onto the counter, grabbing an apple. "Whyd you let me sleep so long?" Luke said, going to take a bite from his apple. "Because you dont seem to sleep anymore." Micheal said, coming over and snatching the apple from his hand. He took a bite and shrugged. Luke groaned, grabbing another apple and take a huge bite as Calum reached over to grab it. "Sorry." Luke mumbled. It was true, what Micheal had said. He couldnt stop think, and his brain turned to over drive when he was supposed to be sleeping. It was all about Ashton. What would happen if Ashton found out? Would he get kicked out of the band? Ashton would probably hate him. Ashton didnt even know that Luke was gay. Luke was gay. "Gay." he whispered. The word felt foreign to his mouth, to his brain. "What?" Calum, who had settled for a banana, asked. "Huh? Oh, nothing, just thinking aloud." Luke chuckled, which wasnt a lie. "Oh, well, whats the plan for today lads?" Calum let it go, and took a bite of his banana. Luke wouldve sighed in relief if it werent for Ashton staring at him weirdly. "What?" Luke mouthed to him. "Ill talk to you later." Ashton mouthed back. Luke looked down at his feet dangling above the ground. That couldnt mean anything good. "This is boringg." Luke whined, throwing the almost finished  apple into the trash. "Mm." Ashton hummed, stuffing a sandwich into his mouth. Luke rolled his eyes and jumped off the counter. "Going to change!" He called, running into his room. He looked around the messy hotel room him and Ashton shared and groaned. He began picking up the clothes, sniffing at them to make sure they were dirty, before tossing them into the hamper. He went around until the room was almost clean. Then he went around picking up his and Ashtons belongings and placing them where they belong. He sighed in relief when he was almost done, walking over to pick up a glass of water and bring it to the kitchen. He was so busy cleaning that he didnt hear Ashton come in. The wavy haired teenager was leaning against the doorway, watching his roommate tidy up. "Are you gay?" He asked, without thinking. He couldnt help it. He didnt mean to, but he had been wondering for a while because Luke never really paid attention to girls. Luke jumped, dropping the glass of water he had in his hand. He bent down to pick up the glass, and Ashton walked over to help him. "Are you gay?" Ashton asked again. Luke looked up at him, fear clouding his eyes. Ashton couldnt find out. Ashton couldnt know. Ashton would hate him. "What? N- no." Luke scoffed, turning his every ounce of attention to cleaning up the glass. "You are, arent you? Dont lie to me." Ashton sounded angry. Luke had made Ashton upset. Ashton hated him. The tears threatened to overflow, but Luke blinked them back. He took a deep breath and put on a big smile, looking up at Ashton. "Of course not, you idiot. What would make you think of that?" He said. "You- back in the kitchen- you said gay." Ashton said, looking confused. Luke knew he had stumped him. "No, ya prat, I said yay. Like, yay we get a day off?" Luke lied smoothly. He had perfected the art of lying. "Oh my god. Im so fucking sorry, mate." Ashton was blushing like crazy now. "No worries, Ash. Youre over stressed and over thinking. Happens to the best of us." Luke chuckled, picking up the rest of the glass and walking to the waste bin. He threw the shards in, watching the glass tinkle on top of the trash, reflecting the light of the hotel room and looking like a diamond.  Something so beautiful among something so disgusting. Thats what Luke thought Ashton was whenever he hung out with him. Ashton was the glass, and he was the trash. He let the smile slip before bringing it back. "Mind getting out so I could change? Or else Ill tell the guys youre gay." Luke joked. Ashton laughed, crisp and clear, and nodded. He walked out, shutting the door behind him. Luke let out a big breath, walking over to the door and locking it. He slid down it, staring at the newly clean room. He stood up and walked to the bathroom. He still worried that Ashton thought he was gay. He turned on the cold water and splashed his face with it repeatably before scrubbing at it with the water in his hands. He looked at his dripping wet face in the mirror, holding tightly to the sink. "Get a grip." He whispered harshly to himself. "You fooled him. He doesnt think youre gay anymore." The word still felt foreign to him. It raced through his mind, consuming his thoughts like Ashton usually did. He thought about the word as he got changed. He thought about it when he brushed his teeth and did his clothes. He thought about it while he walked down the stairs, still managing to put a smile on his face, even though he could feel the tension between him and Ashton. He thought about it while he whispered 'Dont sweat over it mate, its nothing. Seriously, I dont care.' into Ashtons ear. He thought about, wrapped in the covers with Ashton, until 6 in the morning. He was in so fucking deep, and there was no way in hell he could get out.

*Heyy peeps! Whatcha thinking about it? I actually like it. Its a new story writing style for me so be patient with me , okay? Im seriously already thinking and perfect chapters in the future, so I think itll get better. Just keep up the reads, yea?*

My little drummer boy *Lashton*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora