Sick days

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Luke was sick. He woke up at 4 in the morning to vomit. Ashton had woken up too, rubbing Lukes back as the boy puked up everything he had ate. "Oh that is vile." Luke mumbled after he was done. He gripped the bathroom sink and pulled himself up, with the help of Ashton. He brushed his teeth, getting rid of the taste, before going back to bed. He thought he had just puked because of the alcohol. But when he woke up at around noon and felt like death itself, he knew he was sick. "You have a fever. Lay down." Ashton said as Luke protested, going to stand up and go out with the other boys. They had another few days before they left the UK, so they can go around and see the country. The other boys were being tourists for the day with One Direction. "I wanna go." Luke whined. "Well if you get better Ill take you out, okay? But going outside in the cold will not help you." Ashton said. He was staying in with Luke. "Fine." Luke groaned, dropping back down onto the bed. "Make me soup?" Luke asked, pouting. Ashton laughed. "Of course." he said. He kissed Lukes cheek before getting up and going into the kitchen. Luke laid in bed with his eyes closed until Ashton came back.

30 minutes later and Luke was puking up the soup. He gripped the toilet as he dry heaved, unable to breathe. Ashton was there, sitting next to Luke with a wet washcloth and rubbing his back. "Oh honey." he said, kissing Lukes shoulder. Luke shuddered, leaning back against the wall. Ashton gave him the washcloth and flushed the toilet. Luke wiped his face with the cold cloth before standing up. He grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth again. He gargled down some mouth wash before crawling back into bed again. "I am not eating until this is gone." he said. It was true. He would starve, if he had to. "Okay." Ashton chuckled, climbing into bed with Luke. "Whatever you say." He continued. "I swear. I wont." Luke said, snuggling next to Ashton. "Im cold." he complained. Ashton pulled the fluffy covers up around Luke and got up, moving over to the other bed. Luke looked upset. "Im gonna make a keek." Ashton explained. Luke nodded and pulled out his phone, signing into twitter. Ashton got his phone out, pulling up keek. "Hey guys! Um, just wanted to say that we feel very lucky about today, and our gig in Manchester went really well and, um, we hope the people that were there enjoyed it and uh, we cant wait to do more, and this is just me, well Lukes in bed next to me," Ashton turned his phone so the camera faced Luke. "There he is, aw yeah." Luke looked down at his phone, but not before adding, "Come back to bed Ashton." Ashton smiled. "Im gonna go back to bed now with, uh, I mean," Ashton shook his head, "Next to Luke, and uh," He chuckled. "Talk to ya later! Byee!" he said. he uploaded the keek, and laughed. "Whoops. Ah, whatever." He shrugged and climbed back into bed with Luke. "Mm, can we sleep now?" Luke asked, gripping onto Ashton tightly. "Of course, babe." Ashton said, kissing Lukes forehead. Luke smiled, falling asleep almost instantly. 

Ashton woke him up again an hour later to take some medicine. Luke hated medicine. It was disgusting and hard to swallow. "I dont want it." Luke whined, his head buried in the pillow as Ashton held out two pills. "Please, babe. You want to get better, dont you?" Ashton asked, trying to coax Luke into taking the medicine. Luke nodded reluctantly. "Then you need to take the medicine." Ashton said. He felt like a mother. "Please, Lukey?" He asked. "But what if I throw it up?" Luke asked, pulling his head out of the pillow to stare helplessly up at Ashton. If there was anything he hated more than messing up his lines, it was throwing up. "You wont, okay babe? I promise." Ashton said. Luke groaned before grabbing the pills from Ashtons hand. Ashton held up a water bottle and Luke took that, too. He put the pills in his mouth and took a large gulp of water before tossing his head back to swallow. He opened his mouth wide to show Ashton he had taken them before shutting it. "Thank you baby." Ashton said, kissing him quickly. Luke blushed. "Yeah yeah." He grumbled, laying back down. "Aww, is someone grumpy?" Ashton teased. Luke shoved him on the floor. "Shut up." He said, covering his face with his hands. "Youre so cute." Ashton cooed, climbing back into bed and poking Luke in the stomach. "Ill shove you off the bed again." Luke warned, his red face still being hidden by his hands. Ashton poked him in the stomach again, saying something about the poor little puppy dog. He ended up on the floor for the second time in 3 minutes.

The boys came home to a sleeping Luke being cuddled by Ashton. Micheal snickered. Calum took a picture and uploaded it twitter saying that 'Luke was sick and needed some get better cuddles, send him your love xx' "Go away." Ashton muttered at the sound of the click. "So hows your boyfriend doing?" Micheal asked. "We're not boyfriends... yet." Ashton said, peeking his head out of Lukes neck. "Ooo, yet? Got a plan, Irwin?" Calum asked, sitting on the other bed in the room. "I guess I do. Its nothing big, its stupid actually." Ashton shrugged. "What is it?" Micheal asked, sitting in the chair next to the TV. Ashton looked over to Luke. "That shall remain a secret until I need you for it." He said, looking back over to the boys. He was smirking mischievously. Calum and Micheal whined simultaneously. "But- Ashh." Calum whined. "Shut up. Oh my god you guys are so annoying." Luke groaned, pulling the covers off of him and sitting up. Ashton chuckled, rubbing Lukes arm. "Feeling better?" He asked. Luke snuggled into him. "Mmhmm." Luke hummed. "Aww look at the cute couple." Micheal teased. Luke grabbed a pillow and threw at him. Micheal caught it easily. "Go awayyy." Luke groaned, resting his head on Ashtons shoulder. "You heard the drama queen." Ashton smirked.

He ended up on the floor for the third time that night.

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