The First Note

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The boys had been back in Australia for a while, now, almost a month. They were completely and totally bored, all in their respective houses. Ashton missed Luke. He moaned loudly as his brother and sister walked into the room. "Problem, Ashy?" His sister asked, her hair up in a high ponytail, dressed only in shorts and a sports bra. "Where the fuck do you think youre going like that?" Ashton asked, sitting up quickly. "Running. Wanna come?" She asked, grabbing a water bottle. "Yes please. Im soooo boreddd." Ashton jumped up happily, looking down at his outfit. He was in a t-shirt in his old high school gym shorts. "Lets go then." Lauren said cheerfully.

Ashton hatred running. Loathed it, despised it with every fiber of his being. "Im gonna puke." he called to Lauren, who was a good few feet in front of him. "Keep going!" Lauren called back. "I want cake!" Ashton whined. "Youre not getting cake!" Lauren laughed. "Then Im at least taking a rest." he groaned and leaned against the tree closest to him, gasping down air. He chugged the water bottle he had taken with him and pulled out his phone. 'laurens makin me runnnn :( xoxo' he sent to Luke and smiled sightly as he got a response back almost instantly. He was about to open it and read it, when someone came jogging towards him. They shoved a piece of paper in his chest, not even looking at him as they ran past. He furrowed his eyebrows as he opened it. 'Having a good run, Ash? You look a little tired Have fun! ~Watch your back' It read. Ashton looked up, squinting his eyes against the sun as he looked around, for the person who could have sent it to him. No one was watching him. It wasnt the boys - he knew all their handwriting and this wasnt it- nor could it be his family -he knew their handwriting too- so he was confused and slightly scared. He shook his head and shoved the piece of paper into his pants, before looking at the text Luke sent him. 'Want me to pick you up? :P xoxoxo' Ashton smiled, all thoughts of the mysterious and kind of slightly terrifying letter gone as he remember why he liked his boyfriend so much.

Ashton pulled the letter back out when he got home. Luke had indeed picked  him up, and they went to Lukes house for awhile. Ashton made Luke order pizza. So, with a full stomach and happy heart, he decided to look over the letter. It was just as confusing as when he first got it. "What the fuck?" He mumbled to himself. He jumped as his mother called him and balled up the letter, tossing it in the trash bin before running downstairs.

*Woo, finally updating! Im really sorry I didnt update sooner, its a long story id rather not have to go through right now. Also, if you guys dont understand whats going on right now, go to this on quotev ((You dont have to have an account guys so stop frecking)) heres the link  :**

My little drummer boy *Lashton*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora