Sneaky Dates

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Ashton woke up to Luke poking him repeadtedly. "Luke? What time is it?" He asked sleepily, stretching while still laying down before sitting up. A burst of cold air hit his bare chest. "It is..." Luke checked the bedside table. "Exactly 5:52 in the morning." Ashton groaned, letting himself fall back into the pillows. There was no reason for him to be up at 3 in the morning. Why was he up at almost 6 in the morning? "Get upppp, we have a date!" Luke said, grabbing Ashtons arm and hauling him up into a sitting position. "Wha?" Ashton asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Just get dressed and Ill explain on the way." Luke said, running out of the room and leaving a confsued Ashton in his wake.

It was 6 when Ashton and Luke left the hotel. "Explain what this is all about?" Ashton said as he climbed into the passenger seat of the car the boys had rented when they first got to the UK. "So basically I figured we havent been on a date yet and we cant exactly do that with the media around so taking you on a date at like, 5 in the morning is the best idea because no one would be around, right? So I got this really great idea and its all cute and shit and I decided that we were gonna do it early in the morning  so the paparazzi wouldnt catch us because I know Im not ready to come out to the media yet and you may be but I just couldnt handle it and-" Ashton cut him off with a chuckle. "Luke." He interruped the boys nervous rant. "Calm down, alright. Its okay." he said, kissing him softly as they came to a halt at a stop sign. Luke chuckled, biting his lip. 

It was another 30 minutes until the boys got to their destination. Turns out Luke had taken Ashton to a beach to see the sunrise, and had even made a little picnic for them. "I know its a bit cliche, but, surprise!" he said, wringing his hands together. "Its perfect." Ashton said, kissing Luke gently. Luke bit back his smile and kissed back, cupping Ashtons jaw. Ashton finally pulled away when the burning in his chest for oxygen was getting too uncomortable. "Come on." Luke said, grabbing Ashtons hand and pulling him down the pier. He pulled a small blanket out of the bag he had brought and laid it out on the sand. Ashton kicked his shoes off and laid down, small grands of sand falling onto the blanket as he stepped on it. He didnt really mind, though. It was nice for Luke to think of this. He laid down, one hand behind his head and the other curling around Lukes waist as the taller boy laid his head on his chest. They watched the waves crashing against the rocks that were laid out randomly in the ocean. They did that for about 5 minutes, which is about as long as Ashton can stay still, before Luke jumped up. "Lets go swimming." he said, tugging his shirt off. Ashton shamelessly let himself check out Luke. "Okay, okay." he laughed as Luke grabbed his bicep and pulled him up. Ashton pulled his shirt off, throwing it onto the blanket with Lukes, before pulling his pants off too. "Race ya to the water." he said, running out into the water. He dived into the waves, coming up coughing. A wave splashed against his back, but he paid no attention to it as it almost knocked him off his feet. Luke laughed, following Ashtons actions. He was by his side in no time. "I win." Ashton muttered, standing on his tippy toes and kissing Lukes nose and tasting the saltiness of the ocean. "Well I have you now, so I think Im the winner actually." Luke muttered. Ashton blushed and hid his face in Lukes neck. "Stop it." he whined, slapping Lukes naked chest. Luke chuckled. "How long have you been working on that one?" Ashton asked, his face still hid in Lukes neck. "Since forever." Luke laughed, wrapping his arms around Ashtons waist and resting his chin on top of the older boys head. They stood like that for a few minutes, the waves lapping at their chests, before deciding to go back to the blanket, as the sun was beginning to rise. Ashton quickly tugged his clothes back on, even if they did stick uncomfortably to his chest. He ended up with his head on Lukes chest, which was opposite of what they had been doing, but Ashton liked it. He liked hearing Lukes heartbeat in his ear, beating a steady rhythm into his ears that reminded him of the drums he played. He watched as the sun peeked over the clouds, turning them candy floss pink. "Its beautiful. Like you." Ashton smirked, kissing Lukes chest. Luke chuckled, running his hand through Ashtons hair. "Smooth, Irwin, very smooth." He said. Ashton chuckled. "Youve been hit by, youve been struck by, a smooth criminal." he sung softly. Luke laughed. "Very funny." he rolled his eyes, checking his phone for he time before lookign back up at the clouds. "Its almost 7:30, we have to go home." Luke mumbled sadly, pushing gently at Ashton. He refused to budge." I dont want to." He mumbled, his eyes closed. Luke heard a car door slam, and his eyes widened. "Ashton we really have to go." He said hurriedly. Ashton groaned and sat up, rubbing at his eyes. He yawned. Luke packed up their stuff quickly. He finished shoving their blanket in there just as two girls walked onto the beach, laughing. One was short and brunette, with a round face and green eyes. The other was tall and blonde, with hazel eyes. The brunettes eyes widened. "Oh my Hemmings." She whispered. She grabbed onto the blondes, who Luke assumed was her sister, arm. "Alexa, its them its them its them!" She squealed. Alexa looked over at Luke and Ashton. "Come with me." The brunette said. "I dont want to, Leann." Alexa groaned. "Pleaseeee." Leann begged, and Alexa sighed before beginnng to walk over to Luke and Ashton. "Hi there." She greeted, her hand on her hip while the other was clutched by the short girl. "This is my little sister Leann. Shes kind of obsessed with you." Leann blushed, looking up shyly to the two guys. Even though she was probably their age, Luke thought she was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Beside Ashton, of course. She glanced over at Ashton before diverting her eyes downward. "Can um, can I get a picture?" She asked nervously. "Of course, sweetheart." Ashton grinned. Leann turned red, scooting out from behind her sister. Ashton pulled her in between him and Luke, and Leann handed Alexa her phone. Leann smiled, and Alexa took some pictures. "Want one with us individually?" Luke asked. Leann nodded excitedly. Luke stepped out of frame, and Ashton wrapped an arm around Leanns waist and smiled. Luke did the same when it was his turn. "T- thank you." Leann stuttered, stepping back and taking her phone from Alexa. "Oh and um, youre really good at playing drums and singing, Ashton." She said nervously. "Aw, thanks." Ashton chuckled. "Okay, come on Leann." Alexa said, beginning to drag her sister away. "Bye! Thank you!" Leann said before allowing Alexa to take her away. "She was nice." Ashton said, walking with Luke up to the pier. "I think she had a crush on you." Luke chuckled. "Nuh uh." Ashton hook his head. "Yes. I swear to god." Luke said, grabbing Ashtons hand and lacing their fingers together. "Whatever you say, Luykey Pukey." Ashton teased. "Another nickname?" Luke asked, climbing into the drivers seat. "Im trying to come up with one that fits you." Ashton pouted. Luke grinned. "I like babe." he admitted. "Then babe it is." Ashton declared as they drove out onto the street.

"So you and Luke, huh?" Harry and Louis had come home with Calum and Micheal, scaring the crap out Luke. "Jesus fuck, Harry, I didnt know you were there." He said, removing his hand from his heart and grabbing Ashtons again. "You two are cute." Harry nodded his approval, then turned his attention back to his boyfriend, who was whining about food. Yes, all of 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction were aware that Larry was real. And it made them all want to puke rainbows and glitter at how cute they were.  "Theres some food in the kitchen, if you guys want it." Ashton said, walking over to the game console. Louis instantly jumped up and ran to the kitchen, pulling Harry with him. The boy was always energetic, like if he stayed still for a moment he might actually burst. Luke like him. He was his favorite member of the band. He reminded him somewhat of Peter Pan, because he always want to stay young and just let loose and have fun. Plus, Louis was the one Luke usually went to with Ashton troubles, or just when he wanted to rant. Louis would always listen, and then give some life changing advice, and then hold Luke. So, all in all, Luke liked Louis, and Louis liked Luke, but Louis also liked Harry a lot more than he liked Luke, and Luke liked Ashton a lot more then he liked Louis, and so all was well.

10 minutes later, when Luke and Ashton had started playing Call of Duty, and Louis and Harry joined them with sandwiches, Luke was screaming at the tv. He had just got killed, again, by some player named Jack. "Im just gonna wait this fucker out." He mumbled to himself, crouching down in the game. He was between a wall and a booth, in some restaurant, and behind a plant. He had made Ashton come into the restaurant and make sure he was hidden from view. He could see perfectly through the plant leaves, though, which made it perfect to kill any unsuspecting victim. "Hes coming." Ashton said. Luke had also forced him to keep watch on the only entrance of the restaurant, so that he could ready himself to play the kill. "Aww yeah, just a bit closer you little shit." Luke mumbled to himself as Jack stalked through the restaurant. He ignored the laughing Ashton by his side, who kept getting killed but could care less. "Die die die!" Luke shouted, jumping up on the couch as he shot a round through Jack. "Haha, motherfucker!" He said, jumping out of his hiding place and shooting another round through the corpse of the computer animated figure. That is, before he was killed again. By Ashton. "Oh fucking hell." Luke groaned, sinking into the couch.

After Louis and Harry left, Ashton and Luke were laying in bed together. "Thank you for the perfect first date." Ashton mumbled, his head on Lukes chest. He stifled a yawn. "Anything for you, baby." Luke said, kissing the top of Ashtons head. Ashton allowed himself to yawn this time. "Youre cute." he mumbled, turning his head to bury his face in Lukes chest. "Go to sleep." Luke laughed. And so he does. 

*Wooo I finally finished and Im happy with it and Im sorry I havent updated in a while and ugh ugh ugh I love you all for staying with me and just begin nice and stay beautiful and heart and read and yesh*

My little drummer boy *Lashton*Where stories live. Discover now