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Luke sighed as he stepped into the cool building. Him And the rest of the boys had been called down by management. He hoped it wasnt something to do with a tour or anything, since they had just gotten off one. "Hi baby." Ashton greeted him with a  quick kiss on the lips, after looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, before dragging him up into a room. It was plain, back walls and a white door, a window as a whole wall, and a long black desk in the middle, with chairs surrounding  each side neatly. Their head of management was sitting at the head of the table. "Boys! Glad you could make it." He grinned. The boys piped up a small hi, in return. "Can we go now? Im tired." Calum yawned, and Micheal nodded in agreement. "Its 1 in the afternoon." Ashton laughed. Calum shrugged. "Well boys, this doesnt really concern you, but you must stay. Its about Luke. The head of management stood up. "As we know, all the other boys have finished high school," Luke rolled his eyes at this, "And Luke has not. So were sending him back." Lukes eyes widened. "Sending me back?! You cant be serious! You cant do that! Can he do that?!" He turned to Ashton, who grabbed his hand. "I dont know, baby, listen to what Alan has to say *I dont know the head of management name but lets make it Alan I like Alan Alan plays an important role in this story he ruins Luke life lets listen to what he has to say*" Luke nodded, and turned back to him. "I think its the best, Luke. You need the education. Youll be going in a week. Have fun. Dismissed." Alan waved them off, and Lukes jaw dropped, but Ashton pulled him out before he could respond.

The second letter came a day before Luke was meant to go to school. It arrived in the mail, simple as can be, and it terrified the shit out of Ashton. 'You threw my last letter away. That wasnt very nice, Ashy-poo.' It was written in the same scribbly, but still perfect writing as the other note. Ashton thought it was a girl, with The way it was written, bUt who knows. He shook his head and grabbed the lighter, his intent to burn away the letter and the thoughts that came along witch it.

Ashton dropped Luke off at school the next day. "I dont want to go." He fiddled with the straps on his backpack. The students had been notified that he would be coming, and anyone that was to treat him like a superstar instead of a normal human was to immediately suffer expulsion or suspension. "Youll be fine babe. Ill pick you up for lunch, and after school. Alright?" Ashton said soothingly, before pulling Luke in for a kiss. Luke nodded, smiling when he pulled away. "Thanks, love. See you in a few?" He asked. Ashton nodded, and Luke opened the door. "Text me in class! Dont tell anyone I told you that!" Ashton called as Luke shut the door. Luke laughed but nodded. Well, he was back in hell, and if the tires speeding away were any indication, he was stuck here. Fuck his life.

*Whatttttt?! Lukes back in school?! Yes, he is, its important for the story. Alrighty then. Ten hearts and 2 comments for the next chapter. You guys can do it! Love youuuu!*

My little drummer boy *Lashton*Where stories live. Discover now