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*Okay guys, so I want a new Hunter. I cant imagine David Rodriguez as him, despite him being my initial thought. The boys that I want him to be are to the side. So, whoever you want to imagine him as, one of the two boys to the side or the first Hunter. Or someone else that looks like none of the boys. Whatever you want. Happy reading!*

Heres what Luke doesnt know. Luke doesnt know all the digits of pi. He doesnt know how he got so lucky with Ashton. He doesnt know what he got for Christmas when he was 9. He doesnt know how their band got so far along. He doesn't know why the sun rises on the east and sets on the west.
Heres what Luke does know. Luke does know that waking up to Ashton having a nightmare is the single most terrifying thing hes ever had to experience. Theres screaming, a lot of screaming. Theres thrashing and crying and kicking and Luke screaming too. He shakes Ashton violently, yelling his name at the top of his lungs, trying to assure him everythings fine. He thinks he gets punched in the jaw, but the pain is dull to the shard of ice being stabbed in his heart over and over as he watches Ashton cry and shake. "Shh, baby, its okay, its okay, Im here." He mumbles when Ashton does finally wake. He holds onto him tightly, rocking him back and forth on the bed and singing to him quietly. He convinces him that hes okay, that its a nightmare, and when he asks if Ashton wants to to tell him about his dream, the older boy shakes his head so hard Luke thinks its about to fly off.

Luke is tired when he goes to school. Actually, thats an understatement. Hes fucking exhausted. He drags himself over to his locker, glasses shielding his red eyes, hair styled up messily, clothes wrinkled. He didnt sleep after he had been waken up, because Ashton didnt want to, and Luke wasnt gonna let him stay up alone in the dark of night. Also, he was right. The bruise on his jaw is dark, a purple with mixes of black and blue thrown in. Its like someone puked dark colors on his face. So he fumbles with his locker, puts in the incorrect code 2 times, before slamming his fist against it. He groans, holding the red hand to his chest. "Oh, move." A voice comes behind him before hes being shoved out of the way. Leann opens his locker before standing off to the side. "How do you- never mind." Luke shakes his head, grabbing the books he needs for his first three periods and shoving them in his backpack. "What happened to your face?!" Leann shouts, grabbing his other cheek and moving his face back and forth to examine it. Luke swats her hand away. "Ashton punched me on accident. Its not a big deal." He slams his locker shut before turning to lean his back on it. "Did we-" He breaks off in a yawn. "Did we have homework last night?" he asks Leann, turning his head to look at her cuddled into Hunters chest. "We did." She nods. "Did you do it?" Luke asks once more. "I did not." Luke chuckles, shaking his head. The first bell rings. "Thats my signal. See you in lunch, babe." She leans up and kisses Hunter goodbye before walking up to Luke. "Lets go, Lukey Pukey." She links arms with him and drags him to their first period. Well, to hell we go.

*WARNING! This part may be triggering. There is a mention of blood and self harm, though it is not descriptive. I do not want anyone to feel triggered because of this part, and although its not very likely to be triggering, I still want to put this here. You have been warned*
Ashtons terrified of this girl. Hes literally waking up crying because of it. She knows his address, shes been watching him, and hes gotten a call since Luke left for school. He now knows its a girl, because the voice that spoke over the line was feminine. All she said was 'be careful, Ashton.' before the line went dead. Ashton cries about it for about 10 minutes before locking himself in the bathroom. He doesnt know what to do about it. Well, he thought he didnt, until hes bending over the sink, his blood washing down the drain. The knife he had cut his hand on yesterday has cut three deep, parallel lines into the spot just below the bend of his elbow. He hasnt cut since... since he joined the band. Yeah, that sounds about right. His tears sting the wound as numb hands drop the knife. He thinks hes overreacting, knows hes overreacting, but his mind is muddled as he wraps his arm. He watches the blood stains the gauze red before switching into a long sleeve, gray shirt. He curls up into a ball on the bed and cries himself to sleep.
*Okay, there shall be no more mentions of self harm in this chapter. Thank you.*

Luke is just sitting down when he realizes that, since this morning, Hunter has been feverishly rubbing a spot on his neck. He sets his tray down beside Hunters before grabbing the boys hand and yanking it away. "Oh come on guys!" he groans. Hunter yanks  his hand back and puts it on his neck again. "What?" Jasmine asks, sitting down in front of Hunter. Luke grabs Hunters hair and yanks his head to the side, pulling his arm away at the same time. "Holy shit! Hunter, I didnt know you liked it like that!" Luke laughs, "Can you-ow-let me go?" Hunter asks, struggling against Lukes hand. Luke laughs again, but lets him go. He sits down next to him, and Leann joined them on Hunters other side. Everyone continued to make fun of Leann and Hunter for the rest of the lunch. 

Luke was as happy as he could be when he got home. He calls Ashton, makes sure hes and asks if he wants Luke to come over. After Ashton reassures him multiple times that hes okay, Luke finally lets him go and snuggles down into his bed. He falls asleep as fast as any human can when theyre worrying about their boyfriend.

*Yay! Sorry for late update! 5 Comments for next chapter, but no likes is okay. I mean, Likes are appreciated, but, yeah. Also, check out the story Im writing for my best friend Syra, just on wattpad. Its called numb and the first chpater will be up later*

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