I cant take it anymore!

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Finally, it was the end of this stupid tour. The end of Luke falling deeper in love with Ashton with every second passing, the end of him messing up lines, the end of him feeling dead because of some stupid boy that fucked up his life, the end of him rambling to Micheal about how great Ashton was or how cute or how much he loved him. It was party time, and Luke immediately made his way to the bar. He ordered a beer and looked around the room. He could spot the individual members of his band. Micheal was talk to some girl, close enough to Luke that he could hear them. She was gorgeous, with wavy brown hair that stopped at her chest, and beautiful brown/green eyes. Freckles were spotted over her pale face. She had a nice laugh, and from what Luke could tell, her name was Autumn and Micheal had already gotten her phone number. Luke would definitely go out with her if he was, yanno, into girls. He spotted Calum a few feet away,  dancing weirdly on the floor. Ashton, well, he was beautiful, as always. His wavy brown hair fell just short of his beautiful eyes. He was wearing his Captain America shield shirt, and dark skinny jeans. His skin was tan against the bright neon lights of the club. Luke shook his head, turning his attention back to the bar, where his beer was waiting. He chugged it down, and ordered another one. He looked back over to Ashton. He had a girl hanging off his arm, her hands roaming his body. Second beer gone and another ordered. He didnt care that he wasnt old enough, he was playing the celebrity card for this one. Ashton was lip locked with the girl. 3rd beer gone and the 4th on its way. Ashton had disappeared with the girl. 4th beer, 5th beer, Luke lost count at the 7th. Calum found him on his 9th. "Alright buddy, lets go. Youre wasted." He laughed. Micheal was already waiting in the hotel room with Ashton. Ashton had dropped the girl once she had forced her lips on his. Luke stumbled in. He grabbed the counter and slowly made his way over to Ashton. "I missed you buddy. Whered you go?" he slurred, dropping down onto Ashton. "Get off me!" Ashton shouted, shoving Luke off his chest. Ashton was pissed. He was pissed at Luke for deserting him, leaving him with Calum for the week. He was pissed at Luke for ignoring him the whole week. He was pissed at Luke for making him feel this way. He was pissed at everybody. "Dont shove him!" Micheal scolded Ashton, helping Luke up. The fall helped Luke sober up a bit. "Why shouldnt I?" Ashton snarled. "Why are you acting like this?" Micheal growled. Tears were in Lukes eyes. He didnt like when his mates fought, and the drinks made him more emotional. "Why am I acting like this?! The kid ignores us the whole week, probably over this bitch he likes, and you still have the nerve to stick up for him?!" Ashton shouts, standing up. Micheal stood up too. "You dont know what hes going through, Ashton!" Micheal knew. Ashton had no right to treat Luke like this. "Oh and I suppose you too?!" Ashton screamed at him. Luke was crying now. He was the reason this was happening. Luke was panicking. He felt like the walls were closing in on him, like each and every word that the boys were shouting at each other were piercing his skin, his heart, making him bleed even though they didnt even know they were doing it. "Were his best fucking mates and he throws it all away for some girl, who I havent even heard of before the plane, and you expect me not to be mad at him?! Hes being a dick! He cant just ignore us for this girl-" Luke cut him off. "ITS YOU!" He screeched, the tears falling rapidly down his face. His hands were covering his ears in an attempt to block out the words. "ITS FUCKING YOU ASHTON I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE ITS YOU! I LOVE YOU!" Luke sobbed, dropping his hands from his ears. He turned and pelted out of the room, out of the hotel, away from his little drummer boy.

*Shortest chapter I have made. Only like, 730 words. I made it short and cliffhanger-y for effect. Im uploading this chapter because one of my bestest friends wanted me to, and Ill upload the next one tomorrow before I go over to her house. Love you guys, keep reading and hearting!*

My little drummer boy *Lashton*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant