Im sorry

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The boys had to wake up at 5 the morning after the concert. Theyd fly down to the UK, stay at a hotel for a week, play 5 concerts, have a party after the last one, then go home. "Come on Ashy." Luke said quietly, poking Ashton. "ASHTON!" He yelled when that didnt work. Ashton jumped up, glaring at Luke. "God dammit it Luke." He mumbled, crawling out of bed and falling to the floor. "Leave me here forever. I quit the band. Im too tired to function." He said, his eyes closed. "I will throw you in the pool." Luke threatened. Ashton groaned and stood up. Luke followed him as they walked into the living room. The boys had all packed yesterday, and their suitcases were waiting at the door for them."Lets go guys." Micheal said, yawning. It was 4:30, the sun hadnt risen yet, and Luke could gladly fall asleep standing up. Calum kept having to kick him every time he started to doze off. They finally made it to the airport, though. Ashton and Micheal walked off to get food, while Luke stayed behind with Calum. "Luke?" Calum said quietly. "Mmm?" Luke hummed, not bothering to look over at Calum, or even open his eyes. "Im getting kind of worried about you. Youre not eating or sleeping or anything." Its true. The reason Luke was more tired than the other boys was because he hadnt even fallen asleep. He didnt tell the boys to get him anything from where ever they were going for breakfast. The last thing he had to eat was that bag of crisps he had the other day. He just couldnt be bothered to eat. Now that he knew he was going to be spending less time with Ashton, he didnt have an appetite. "Just too early to eat, yanno?" Luke lied. He didnt even have to think about lying anymore. It just happened. Frankly, he was scared of it. He shouldnt be able to lie that easily. He didnt know how much longer he could do this, keep all his feelings inside. Before he could ponder it anymore, the boys were back, and Calum was back on his phone. Ashton had brought something for Luke anyway, and the singer was forced to shovel it down. Calum looked happy. "Flight 50, from Florida to the UK is now boarding." Some lady over the intercom buzzed. "Thats us." Micheal. said, gathering his stuff up. The boys went through security and the small tunnel thing that lead to the airplane. Luke claimed the window seat and Ashton sat next to him. Luke yawned and leaned his head against the window. That wasnt comfortable though, and he didnt like the feeling of the cold window pressed against his skin. So he tuned his head so that it was laying on Ashtons shoulder, and Ashton instantly began to play with his hair. A small smile spread across Lukes features, and he slowly drifted off. They called final boarding and the plane took of 15 minutes later. Ashton laid his head back against the seat and began to doze off too, his hand still tangled in Lukes hair. The flight lasted 8 hours and Ashton woke up 2 hours into it, Luke still asleep on his shoulder. The drummer played a few games on his phone before taking a photo of Luke sleeping on his shoulder. He uploaded it to twitter and instagram with the caption 'poor Lukey was tired. I think he drools'. He snickered as Micheal and Calums phone buzzed, causing Calum to lose his game of temple run. "Oh you fucker!" Calum hissed over to him. Ashton chuckled, trying not to wake up Luke. But Lukes phone buzzed too, the noise sounding through first class. Luke started. He yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Mornin." Ashton greeted, smiling. "Morning." Luke greeted back in his morning voice, stretching. Ashton liked Lukes morning voice. It was hot. "Whats hot?" Luke asked, pulling out his phone. /Oh shit/ Ashton panicked. "Um, in the plane." He said nervously. "Maybe thats because youre wearing a sweatshirt, idiot." Luke said. Ashton laughed in relief. Good, Luke believed him. Luke unlocked his phone and checked his notifications. He loaded twitter. "I do not drool!" He shout indignantly. Ashton laughed. "Okay okay, Im sorry. I just couldnt resist." He shrugged. "Youre a prick." Luke mumbled, updating his twitter. 'Ashtons a twat. I dont drool.' "You know we shouldnt lie to our fnas." Micheal said, his eyes closed. Calum jumped. "Shit! I thought you were sleeping." He said, holding a hand to his heart. Micheal shrugged. Luke laughed. He really loved these guys. Well, he loved Ashton, but he loved the other guys too. Just not in the same way. That was weird. "Im soo bored!" Luke groaned, sinking down into his chair. "Lets play truth or dare." Micheal suggested, sitting up in his chair. "Okay, go." Ashton said. Luke sat up straight. "Luke, truth or dare?" Micheal asked. "Truth." Luke answered, not wanting to have to get up for the dare. "Okay, is it true you have a crush on someone?" Micheal asked. Luke felt like panicking. They knew. They knew he liked Ashton. He couldnt get out of this one. Ashton was staring at him with curious eyes. "Uh yeah." Luke answered. Ashton could feel his heart drop. Of course Luke wouldnt like him. "Who is she?" Micheal asked. Luke didnt answer, just looked out the window. 

After 3 hours and Ashton getting yelled at for going at and crying to some girl about being pregnant, they arrived at where they were supposed to be. They got their baggage and hopped into a taxi. Ashton signed in and they got their room key. As per usual, the room had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a nice big living room and kitchen. "Normal rooms?" Ashton asked, handing out a key to everyone. "Actually um, I was thinking I was gonna room with Micheal." Luke said hesitantly. He saw Ashtons face fall, and he had to look away. His shoes were very dirty. He should look into getting a new pair. "Oh. Okay." Ashton sounded broken. Ashton felt broken. So did Luke. Luke felt like shit. He knew he had to do it though. He had to cut his ties with Ashton before he ended up confessing to the boy. He turned and walked into his room. He threw his stuff on the floor next to the beds. He crawled into one of the beds and just stared at the ceiling, his hands folded over his chest. As soon as Micheal closed the door, Luke blurted out, "I think Im in love with Ashton." He didnt even look at Micheal. "Youre what?" Micheal asked, dropping his stuff on top of one of the beds. Luke sat up and held his face in his hand. "Dont make me say it again." His voice cracked at the end. "I cant take it anymore. I cant take the secrets. I cant take lying to one of my best mates. I had to get away." He whispered. Micheal sat on the bed next to him and rubbed his back. "Its okay, Luke. We'll get through this." he whispered. They stayed like than until Luke laid back down on his back and went back to staring at the ceiling. He didnt even think. He was just numb. He missed Ashton. He stayed like that until it was concert time. He ignored the boys on the way there. He ignored the boys when getting ready. He ignored the boys until they went out on stage. Ashton wasnt playing as well. Luke could tell. Luke could tell because he wasnt paying attention to anything but the drums. Ashton wasnt playing happily, he wasnt putting any emotion into it. It was like he was being forced to play, instead of doing it willingly. It was like Ashton wasnt feeling anything at all. "Luke." Calum hissed. He had stopped playing the guitar. Everyone was staring at Luke. The crowd had gone semi-silent. Luke had missed his cue. "Ha, sorry guys. Just thinking about how wonderful you all are! We love you guys so much, thanks for everything! This is for you!" Luke covered. Ashton started on the drums again, and Luke didnt pay attention. He paid attention to his guitar, not the boys, but he still messed up. He changed she to he, and he stumbled over his guitar a few times. 

"God, I fucked up. I fucked up so bad." Luke said once he was back in his room with Micheal. The fans probably hated him. They probably thought he was stupid. "Hey man, its alright. We all have our off days." Micheal consoled him. Micheal tried to. Luke didnt sleep that night. Luke knew that he shouldnt have tried to fix this. Even a year away from Ashton couldnt stop him falling in love with the curly haired boy. Luke was in love with him, and that was that. Being away from him only made everything worse. Luke knew he had to confess. But he couldnt do that. He just couldnt. Ashton would hate him. He ignored the boys all the way up to the last concert. Thats when he broke. Thats when the secrets came out.

*Heyy longest chapter! I cant wait to write the next chapter. I already know exactly how its gonna play out. I hope you guys like it! Heart comment read all that jizz! Love you guys.*

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