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"Why must you go now?"

His comrade smirked at him, before jumping down from the tree they were sitting in.

"We've been here too long. The Council has picked up on my tracks. It's dangerous for any of us."

"We have to find out who Ymir has given her power to," he said, desperately trying to find an excuse.

His comrade just smirked again, pulling out another cigarette, clearly ignoring the question. With one in between their teeth, they frowned at his disapproving face. They walked nearer to him.

"I'm going to the north for a while. Training is good in the winter up there, and besides, it's not like we're getting any closer, are we? Once Reiner is finished here, get the fourth member. Once he or she is with us, come up to meet me. You know where I'll be. Oh, and give Levi a run for his money, will you? Bye."

"Wait! Hold on!"

But before he could so much as touch them, smoke appeared around them in an enormous frenzy, and  they were gone. He was left alone, as he often was, waiting for a signal.

The first movement, however, was not from who he was expecting.

The ground started to tremble, as he saw the earth in front of him move. Expecting his comrade, he sat back, and watched as he appeared.

But it wasn't the comrade he was expecting. He looked up, raising an eyebrow at his visitor.

"Eren? What are you doing out here?"

Eren walked up to him, with a satchel hanging from his shoulder.

"Good to see you too Bertholdt," he muttered.

He smiled. "Haven't been called that in a while," he remarked.


"Just left," he answered, before Eren could finish his question.

"Damn. And Reiner?"

"Still spying. What brings you out here Eren?" Bertholdt moved to sit in front of the strong fire that was burning. Eren followed, sitting opposite.

" I have some news."


"This weekend Mike and I met the guy Ymir shifted her powers to."


"Well, he's just a kid. A year younger than me, just about."

"Oh, right."

"But that's good. Because his mother works in the council, he knew all about us, so it wasn't that much of a surprised. He used a communication, in the middle of the city, using this." He took out the book on the history of the Element Shifters, passing it to Bertholdt.

"Oh my god," he muttered as he flicked through each page. "Here it is. Everything my parents told me. Reiner needs to see this." He closed the book gently, then looked around. "We're out of the council's radar here, so I guess I could do it." He turned to the page that spoke of how to summon the shifters, and read quickly. Then, he bit the emblem that was on his hand, enabling him to summon the only other earth shifter there was in the city he had in mind.

Pretty Little Liar (Aruani Element Shifter AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now