More Deceptions

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Lazzari smiled at Asuna. "We are going to need your help with this, can I count on you?"

"I guess, I could. But I was wondering when Kazuto left. He never told me anything. I haven't seen him, the guards wouldn't allow it."

"I will have to apologize for that. We have sensitive information in that division. We couldn't risk it being leaked. I am sure Kazuto wants to see you, just as much." Hyme's eyes looked glazed over. "Until this is brought to an end, I hope you will understand. We only get one chance, to set things right." Hyme was good at acting sympathetic. He and his wife, both were.

"You won't let me see him, then?" Asuna didn't like that at all, but what could she do? She wasn't able to help with the same things, Kazuto was. She just wished it didn't have to be this way.

"I'm afraid not." Lazzari acted in sympathy.

Asuna tried to be strong, again. But this was just getting stupid. It was like fate didn't want them together. Or was it deeper than that?

Asuna left to do the task, she had been assigned.

Saki entered. "I have received this from Kirito. It is addressed to Asuna."

Lazzari took it from Saki and Hyme approached her. "What do we have here?" Lazzari opened the letter and read it. "...Yui...? Looks like Asuna is no longer needed."

Hyme smirked at his wife. "You're wrong, dear. It looks like Asuna has her. We need her, even more, now. Yui could be the key, the one we have been looking for."

Lazzari turned to Saki. "You are dismissed." She then placed the letter in her brief case. "Oh. And Saki... Asuna doesn't need to know about this."

"As you wish, Ma'am." He bowed before he exited.

"Shall we go, Lazi?"

Lazzari was quite annoyed. "I really wish you wouldn't call me that."

"I kind of like it. To the emperor's castle, my queen."

Lazzari had to admit, he was cute.


Kazuto (in SAO gear) and Varina, had walked for what seemed like forever. They didn't even know if they were headed in the right direction. It had been a long time, since they had been near civilization, however uncivilized, it was.

They finally reached a street and followed it for a while. It had been months, since they were in these parts. They made it to a city that was still considerably north.

They saw a truck passing through and grabbed onto it, at the street lights. They climbed in, even though, they knew the driver was wearing an Augma.

A few hours came and went. They found out that they picked the right transport, because it made a stop in Tokyo. As they gazed at Tokyo, they were completely surprised to see the city flourishing and bustling. It was like there was never a war at all. 'Did people get over it that fast? No, I expect not... They are all wearing their Augmas, which could only mean one thing... They were forced to live on.' Thoughts of his sister came through his mind.

Vari recognized the longing in his features. "We can't. We need to stick to the plan."

"Aren't you growing tired of it all?"

"I don't regret what happened. I mean, I don't regret meeting you... and your friends. Not that I wished for this to happen... I mean, it really sucks, right? But I am glad to be a part of it... I mean, I am glad your here... that wasn't... What I am trying to say is-" Vari didn't know why she was so flustered. This sensitivity stuff was really hard for her.

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