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READING Twilight was one of those mind-numbing processes that brought me down to a comfortable level of having to do nothing. Literally, it was one of those things you do just because it entails no thought, no exploration and no...well, no brain function at all.

Normally, I just read it when I was too worked up to figure up to a complicated series or novel.

Bella and Edward were unexceptional and it didn't take much to work out their minds or their actions or their consequences.

I yawned, placing the book on my night table; I'll put it back tomorrow. My school was hard, my need to do well was being challenged and I was almost this close to giving it all up and taking life up as a hermit. I wonder how much pay that would be...not.

I glanced at the book again before switching off my lights and going to sleep.

The girl slept peacefully while the lady kept watch. She was perfect for the mission. Letters of condescension burned her but this girl...this girl right here would help end it all...

If only she knew how horrible it would turn out...

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