13: Why am I so Important?

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The Meadow Chapter!! Enjoy!!


The meadow was completely circular, a perfect symmetry, fringed with wild multicoloured flowers.

I could see the split between the farther trees which bubbled with a small passing stream. I gasped, my hands flying to cover my mouth. The movies hadn't shown the meadow to be this beautiful. "It's amazing," I whispered, aware he could hear me.

I turned on a heel, whirling like a dramatic heroine to find him leaning against the far away trees, watching me with amusement.

I paused, wondering if he was afraid of coming out of the sun because it would hurt him or just that he was lying when he said he didn't sparkle.

"I hope you don't turn into a sparkle fest!" I called, trying to mock him into coming out.

It worked. He had an affronted expression on his face as he strode forward. The sunlight hit his skin and bounced off but there was no shining, no glinting and certainly no bursting into flame.

"There, no fire and no sparkling," he said.

I stared at him. He was looking at me with a cool expression but there was no denying. He was really gorgeous. Why was this happening? He was supposed to fall head over heels with Bella. He wasn't supposed to share this with me.

I looked away quickly, feeling a sudden stab of an emotion I never thought I'd feel for any character in this world.

"What's wrong?" I turned to find him right behind me. "Nothing, this is just...overwhelming." I backed away from him, thinking about potato chips and milkshakes.

He frowned at me but gave up.

Sitting down, he leaned back on his elbows while I rocked back on my knees. I reached out, poking his arm with my index finger, making him chuckle. "You can poke all you want; I'm not going to sparkle or burn." He said.

"I still don't understand." I sighed.

He propped himself up. "Most vampire lore wants you to believe that there is an easy way out to get rid of us. What they don't understand is that we are just a higher evolved breed of predators. We were evolved from human blood, you don't see humans burn in the sun, do you?" he smiled.

I shook my head, looking down.

"You're worried. I'm sorry, am I scaring you?" he asked. "No, it's not you. It's me," I sighed. "Ah, the world's best excuse...should I perhaps be worried?" he teased.

"Don't worry, I'd probably run first." I teased back but his expression turned bitter. "As if you could outrun me," he said before bounding away with a speed that was impossible. Yet, there he was, standing right at the edge of the meadow.

"Would you be able to fight me off?" he asked, barely loud enough for me to hear as he ripped off a large branch and threw it against a tree, shattering the branch.

I flinched, pulling back away at the loud noise before he was in front of me again. "I don't want you to be scared." He whispered.

I didn't answer as he sank down to my level. "Forgive me; I don't know what came over me. It's just so easy to be myself with you, I lost control." He said. I shrugged.

He was still a vampire, I reminded myself, sternly, under cover of a replay of what just happened.

"So, you were telling me what worries you?" he prompted. "I wasn't; I just said it was me, not you," I said quickly making him smile dazzlingly.

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