10: Maybe Friends

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Ok, so here's an early update!


The next day, I looked like a zombie with swollen eyes, yes with the black eye and the jaw bruising. I'd tried to apply the creams Renee had gotten me but nothing worked on the eye.

Deciding to tough it out, I raced downstairs, grabbing Bella's truck keys. Walking out into the ridiculous cold, I was about to slide the key into the truck when I saw the silver car.

My eyes widened. What was he doing here? Bella was at Jess's, if he wanted to pick her up, he should've gone to her place.

I walked slowly towards the car and suddenly he was there.

"Bella's at Jessica's." I blurted out. His eyebrows rose. "I know; since she isn't here and that truck isn't really up your alley, I decided to take you to school today." He opened the passenger door. I bit my lip. He didn't even ask; it was more like he already had come determined to give me a ride.

I looked longingly at the truck. "I have driven it. Besides, I need to bring Bella home today." I said. He considered it. "I'll bring her back. Now, get in," he left the door open and walked towards the driver's, before glancing up again. "In, Tulika," he said again. "Why are you so pushy? If I want to drive the truck, I'll drive the truck." I said.

He leant across the seat, just staring at me. "You can get in and let me take you to school or you can drive the monster and be later than necessary." He said.

I weighed my options. On the one hand, I really wanted to deny Edward and show him who was boss but on the other hand, after last night, I still felt a little unsteady on my feet. I'd had about 34 nightmares in various different scenarios and none of them had taken the edge off. That explained the zombie eyes.

Giving in, I slid into the open door and shut it. "Happy...?" I asked. He didn't answer as he pulled away from the street.

"The others took Rosalie's car?" I asked and he glanced at me in surprise before nodding. It wasn't too late when he pulled into the school parking lot, right next to a gleaming red convertible.

"Ah..." I sighed, my head dropping to the cool window as I looked at the car.

"You don't think it's ostentatious?" he asked. I laughed. "I think it's completely wow. You should all ride with her. She certainly has sweeter wheels than you do." I complimented, getting out and swinging my bag on my shoulder.

He made a low dissatisfied noise in the back of his throat and joined me. "Tulika," I looked sideways to find Bella and Jessica walking towards us, with identical looks of bewilderment in their eyes. I studied Bella closely. Was it just me or was there a hint of something else in her eyes?

"You did not bring the truck? How am I supposed to get home?" she asked. Oh, that was anger.

"You can ride with us today," Edward said, casually sliding in next to me.

"Oh, um...right, I well," she stammered. "I'll see you in Trig, right?" Jess piped up and I nearly groaned out loud as she dragged my friend away.

"This was a bad idea." I said, rubbing my face gently with my hands.

"Jessica is going to ambush you in Trigonometry." He said. "Oh, thanks, that's helpful, Captain Smarty-pants," I said, snidely. "What do I tell her? I don't want to tell her anything. She's going to tell Bella and Bella will go all Spanish Inquisition on me and she has zero tact and Charlie will find out and then," he startled me by taking a sudden step closer.

Touch in the WorldsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon