5: Time well spent with a Bipolar Vampire

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Here you are readers! Another update!


The conversation with Glitter Guy made me and Bella 10 minutes late to English. Mr. Mason looked up at us when we entered and sighed. "Nice of you to join us," he said disparagingly.

We made our way to our seats and it wasn't until the end of the class that Eric sought me out.

"Hey, T," he called and Bella gave me a sympathetic smile before hurrying away. Traitorous Traitor...

"Yeah," I said. "I missed you yesterday. I heard you're off to Seattle the Spring Dance day?" he asked. I breathed a mental sigh of relief.

"Yes, it's important." I said, winding a strand of my hair around my finger.

"Too bad, but you're still on for prom?" he asked.

"Oh, I um..." I trailed off but Eric didn't seem to want an answer any way. "Cool, I'll see you later," he said and walked off.

I squinted after him suspiciously.

At lunch, I knew Edward was going to ask Bella to sit with him so I didn't pay much attention when Bella stood up from her seat, looking flustered and nearly sprinted to sit with him. I sighed, shaking my head. How predictable...

"How are you about that?"

I turned to look at Angela to see her glancing covertly at Bella and Edward.

"Why would I think anything of it?" I asked. "Well, because Jess very clearly pronounced that Edward is 'into' you." She raised her fingers to mark quotations in the air.

I didn't know what I expected. Maybe that he was the local weirdo and shouldn't I be more concerned for my klutz of a best friend, but this? I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing.

Everyone at the table and a few tables around turned to look at my loud and slightly obnoxious laughter. I had tears in my eyes as I slapped the table.

"Ah, Weber, here I thought you couldn't joke!" I cried.

"I wasn't joking." Angela muttered which only made me laugh harder.

I mean come on, in which sane universe would Gill Glitter fall for me? I would probably annoy him to the point of no return and he would freak me out to the point that I would take a flame thrower to his pretty face. The image only made me put my head against the table, choking on my breath.

It wasn't until Lauren and Angela dragged me off with Mike trailing after us that I calmed down. I was very aware of burning gazes at my back but I didn't turn back around.

"What was all that about? Did you spray her with laughing gas?" Mike asked as we climbed up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes, very much sober now. "Christ Newton, relax, I just laughed at a joke that's all." I said. "Yes, well, it looked like you were drunk or something..." he mumbled. I couldn't help but roll my eyes again.

All of a sudden there was a loud screech from upstairs and we all looked up to see Coach Clapp looking at us horrified while a huge trolley headed straight down the stairs, right at me.

I surged out of the way and felt a searing pain in my foot as the trolley smashed into my leg.

I screamed; a loud and piercing noise as I fell on my side, holding my ankle.

"Oh my god; Tulika, are you ok?" I heard Mike yell. "Of course, she's not ok, moron, she needs a doctor!" that was Lauren. I felt a hand on my shoulder and Angela's soothing voice in my ear.

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