7: That Dial up Research is a Pain

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Hello, beautiful readers, here is another update for you!


Bella arrived a little after 6, which gave me plenty of time to talk to her about how the trip went and about how I met Jacob Black. It didn't seem to matter much to her, seeing he was just a guy and not a warm cheeky wolf. However, she was really excited about a guy who had shown up on the beach who said he was new to Forks and was from sunny San Francisco.

"New guy...?" I asked, frowning, recalling nothing of such an encounter in the books.

"Yeah, and he said he was going to be at school on Monday," she said. I raised my eyebrows at her slightly dreamy state. "I thought you liked Edward," I blurted out quickly. She paused and glanced at me.

"Really...you thought that? Here, I was under the impression you liked him." She said.

I smirked. "Bella, you're delusional," I said.

She rolled her eyes before glancing at the plaster on my leg. "So, that comes off tomorrow," she said. "Yeah," I rubbed the plaster as she bid me goodnight and left, shutting the door gently after her.

I fell back on the bed, and put my clasped hand on top of my eyes, my brain carefully shifting gears into scary fast mode.

I was stuck here and it had been a month of that. I had no idea how I got here and neither did I know how to get back. I was friends with fictional characters most girls my age would kill to achieve but I was still not too excited about it. All of this amounted to only one thing. I needed to research what was happening. The only way to do that would be to use the dusty computer in Bella's room. If I did, she was sure to ask about the subject not that I had any idea what to exactly put in the search engine.

I yawned, well, might as well figure it out tomorrow.

I was sitting in front of my laptop at home, smiling as I finished another chapter of a story I was writing. Getting up from my seat to get my cramped muscles working, I paused staring at the open door.

It hadn't been open before. I never left the door open when I wrote. I had a tendency to talk out what I was writing and it felt very private to share.

Slowly edging forwards I pulled the door open further looking out into the dark stairwell. Hang on, this wasn't my stairwell. I looked back into the room. It was my own bedroom but the house belonged to Bella.

"Hello...anybody here...?" I called uncertainly downstairs as I heard a soft creak on the floorboards downstairs.

Help me...

"Hello...?" I called again, moving into the stairwell, peering down from the light of my room.

With a soft swoosh, my door swung shut and I stood for a split second in darkness. Just a draft, Tulika, I thought, reaching for the switch but the light didn't come on.

Help me, please...

I frowned, moving down the stairs.

Someone was crouched on the bottom stairs, tightly balled up and shivering. "Hey, are you ok?" I screeched and the person – girl – froze. Slowly, looking up, she looked at me.

My entire body froze as I stared at her. She was covered in blood and I had a frightening insight that it was hers. She was crying, black tears streaking her face as she pointed to the other room. This wasn't the scariest part though, the girl looked like me.

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