Epilogue: Loss and Gain

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The final Chapter! I legit cried... :(

I hope you've enjoyed the journey as much as I have enjoyed hiking you up for the ride!

Especially you; Caitlin! My first (and only) Wattpad friend! I love you!


    Edward stood calmly enough, watching the scene in front of him with an almost disinterested look in his eyes till his eyes found me, the calmness giving over to an emotion that I was too dazed to process.

"Man of the hour," James howled. "I was hoping you'd show up, you know, with all the might of your coven. Give it a little incentive," he quickly made a move and excruciating pain flooded me.

I didn't register the hurtling force that was Edward as he flew at James at an impossible speed, throwing them both into the stairs, the marble caving in.

A roar, deafening and ear shattering, erupted in the marble hall and then another, a high pitched laughter. "Is that the best you can do?"

I tilted my head, trying to find my bearings as I saw Edward push James against a bust of a man, James's nose looked bent out of shape and his mouth was openly bleeding but Edward was way past gone. His eyes, glowing gold-green flamed as he slammed his fist down on James's arm. The snap of bone was sickening as I tried to crawl back.

I managed to push myself as far as Stephen when a tickling of glass told me that someone had crossed the same barrier I had. I turned to see blurry shapes flicker around us as James and Edward continued to snarl at each other.

Soothing hands wrapped around me and I felt myself being lifted into Alice's arms and backed up. "Edward, calm down," another voice yelled and I opened my eyes to see Carlisle grip Edward and push him away while Jasper and Emmett gripped James between them.

"Alice," Jasper called and she gave me a concerned look before flitting away to the pair.

"Tulika, Tulika," Someone cradled my battered body to them and I sighed against Edward's woody smell. "You came back for me?" I asked, thickly.

His beautiful face was spinning. Or maybe that was just me; I gulped and bent over as another wave of pain hit me and I erupted into bloody coughs. Edward groaned as he tried to sit me up.

"Just you get better, you can't imagine the trouble you are in," he whispered as another person joined us.

I gripped blindly at the person's arm. "Stephen...he's...alive?"

There was a heavy pause in which I could only see Edward staring intently at whoever was sitting across from him. "His neck broke, when he hit the floor. It must've been almost instantaneous."

It was enough for my heart to drop to my stomach – literally and figuratively. "No, oh god, no...please, don't be dead...this is my fault." Hot tears flooded down my cheek but Edward quickly swiped them away. "Calm down, Tulika, please, it's not helping...Carlisle, do something...she's bleeding too much." He said, frantically before adding something that I would've missed if I wasn't so focused on him.

"I can hear her heartbeat slowing."

I knew it, I thought numbly. My heartbeat was going. I was fading away. I was...the word was difficult to think about, much less say it but I had to.

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