12: Day of Reckoning

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Here's the Update!! Hope you enjoy it!!


Edward's questions the next day were...intensive.

He asked me about my relationships. With my friends, my family, anyone else I might have come in contact with, Renee, Bella, Charlie...he wanted to know everything.

"So, no boyfriends...?" he asked, in a casual tone.

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. "Um, one, and a couple of complications," I laughed. His face tightened. "Tell me about it," he demanded. I sighed.

"He wasn't what I wanted; it was a mistake really accepting him. The others...were not even important." I said.

He sat us down on the same table in the cafeteria.

"What is it that you want?" he asked.

"I don't know, besides I just turned 17, it's a little early to tell." I smiled softly, looking at my bottle of soda. "No one you've ever wanted?" he continued to press.

I frowned up at that.

"Don't you have to go hunt?" I asked quickly to take the heat off the moment.

He leaned back in his seat. "Yes, I do, one thing though, do you plan to sleep in?" he asked.

"It's Saturday," I whined, then frantically nodded.

He shook his head, grinning at me. "Fine, I'll be on your doorstep tomorrow at nine?" he asked and I considered it, "Ok," I agreed.

"Tell me something, what about your family? What do they think of this...arrangement?" I asked.

"They're worried; but they've not yet seen any reason to mistrust you. For all they care, you knew about us and didn't ring the bell even before we were friendly, you hated me and you kept our secret. We are...grateful," he smirked.

I looked up over his shoulder to see the girl with the shiny dark hair standing there, looking at me with a smile. I smiled in turn.

"Tulika, this is Alice. Alice – Tulika," he introduced.

"Hello, Tulika," she said.

"Hi Alice," I returned politely.

Edward fluidly stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow then," he said, leaning over to brush his fingertips along my cheek before turning and walking away.

I watched him leave with my head on my palm, wondering how things had become so...complicated.

At the end of the day, I dutifully followed Bella to her truck where in my seat a piece of white paper lay.

I sighed, already knowing there was a 'Be Safe' written in his perfect calligraphy. God was I jealous of his penmanship.

Bella notified Charlie about her plans to go with Stephen around to show him Forks and I said that I'd rather just sit home. "Do you want me to stay at home?" he asked.

"No, Charlie, you go and have fun." I said sincerely.

I wasn't very sure about what I wanted to do about Edward's warning so I decided to throw it up to the wind, "Besides, I think I'll be going out with a friend if they decide to show up." I added dismissively. He nodded but didn't comment.

See, now neither of them could complain that I didn't tell him. Ok, I didn't say Edward's name but it would have to do.

I woke up early, nearly the same time for school.

I groaned, looking at the dull gray light flooding from the windows and rolled over, trying to at least knock myself out for another hour.

Yeah, nope, no sleep for me anymore...

Getting up, I lugged myself around the house. Bella had already left by the time I got out of the shower, taking the truck with her and I went to the closet to pick out something to wear.

I didn't want Edward to 'match' with me like some silly cutesy couple moment so I decided to pull on something workaday.

Jeans, hiking boots and a simple black tee and hoodie, see no mess outfits worked best. I could hardly wear a blowy summer dress to hike with a vampire.

At 9, when I went down, Edward was leaning against the Volvo, wearing...are you kidding me...a Grey jacket with a black shirt collar underneath, jeans and boots. Hey, at least he couldn't say we matched.

"Good morning," I said, tumbling down the stairs in the Volvo's direction before stopping to see him dangling something in front of my face.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Letting you drive," he said simply, letting go of the keys. I caught them in my palm. I peered at him suspiciously. "Why...?" I asked.

"I know you like the car. You might as well amuse yourself with something. Besides, I'll get a break from your questions." He smirked at me, before opening the driver's door for me.

I glared at him. "You know, if I bother you so much, you're welcome to go home." I snapped.

His smirk intensified, "And let a day of your fascinating personality slip me by...? Not a chance," he opened the door wider and I slid in with a sound of humph.

"Put your seatbelt on," he commanded. "Yeah, yeah," I mumbled, sliding the strap across my torso and buckling in.

"Right," I looked at him expectantly. "Hmm, take the straight road ahead, drive up to the intersection and take the right lane. That's the one-oh-one towards north," he instructed. Slowly, I revved up and gently slid out the curb, driving carefully, and full concentration on the car.

"Right again, on the one-ten," he said when I took the 101 north.

"We're going hiking right?" I asked finally. He nodded then turned to look at me. "What are you thinking?" he asked.

"Can't you already hear?" I asked. "I can but it's probably not what you're really thinking." He said. "I told Charlie that I'll be out today." I said.

He nodded and looked out.

The drive went on for about half an hour before he told me to pull up in front of a small clearing.

We got out and I pulled off my hoodie, trying it around my waist. "Come on," he said taking his own jacket off and swinging it over his shoulder as he started towards the solid trees.

We mostly walked in silence. Sometimes, he would ask about some things he might've missed in the past couple day and this time he seemed to find my subtle sarcasm towards my peers beyond hilarious. He laughed loudly, bell like echoes reverberating through the forest.

I was a reasonable hiker so we made it within an hour.

I paused when I saw sunlight breaking through a small gap within the fringe of tress. Looking back, I saw Edward looking at me expectantly. "Go ahead," he encouraged and I walked on, reaching the edge of the 'legendary meadow' before walking in.

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