2: An Overdramatic Return and a Ruined Snow Day

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*Edward peers at the chapter on my screen* You sure they're going to like it?

*I smile at the reads section* I hope so...


As expected, thanks to Stephanie Meyer, Edward Cullen didn't come to school.

Having read the book just hours before my arrival in this world, most details were fresh in my mind but I couldn't remember how long it was before he pulled himself back together enough to come back.

With each passing day, I eased up in my new surroundings and Bella – who wasn't as incompetent to be my newly allotted best friend – grew tenser. How did I know? Well, we had this conversation when I finally got tired of seeing her clench up during lunch.

"Bella, sweetheart, stop losing sleep over this one guy," I'd said.

"I'm not...it's just..." she'd bit her lip.

"Just what...?" I'd asked.

"Do you think it was something about me? Did you see him glare at me?" she asked.

To be honest, I knew it was true. I mean in the book, Meyer wanted us to think Bella felt an instant connection between herself and Edward so she slipped that one in on us. Well, this was real life...or as real as it could get anyways.

It kind of irked me that she thought that. He glared at her. Big deal; maybe he was just a jerk, but no, why would Bella think of that?

"Really Bella, maybe he's just a douche, there really isn't that much of a scarcity of those." I'd said.

Without waiting for a reply I'd walked out of her room.

Yeah, so that hadn't worked. I spent the next few days getting to know the minor characters. I found Jessica wasn't that much of a resentful fool, Mike was a hopeless Casanova, Eric was actually quite nice and Angela who seemed very shy could actually become very outspoken if properly prodded. Lauren wasn't just a mean bitch thrown in to provide friction for Bella and Tyler was just as much into Lauren as she into him.

They seemed to find me a lot easier to get along than Bella as Angela had quietly told me so when I was trying to pull her out of her shell. Well, that had been flattering and also a little worrying. Shouldn't they be pulling on Bella like a tug of war rope?

I also improved my relationship with Charlie and kept in touch with Renee through the phone. She was worried about Bella but seemed thankful for the daily updates and any juicy gossip I could pass on. Charlie had seemed to take me for the younger, pampered and spoilt rotten daughter he never had. We joked, teased Bella sometimes and even watched the news and games together.

He would discuss some of his cases with me and I would give him some suggestions all thankfully belonging to me since Meyer hadn't seemed to be much interested in his job. Turns out, a police chief's job is pretty interesting.

Bella had taken to clucking around like a mother hen. She even dragged me food shopping with her even though Charlie and I both protested we were fine with the junk food. Teasing of course, the burgers were good but it had been a while I'd had anything else.

Bella swung by to read Wuthering Heights and kept on reading while I broiled some chicken pieces and baked some potatoes. What, I never said I can't cook.

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