17: Stalker Gate

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Ok, here's the chapter when we introduce a little action.

Caitlin; this one goes to you, my love!!


Edward pulled up to my curb when it started to drizzle.

I turned to look at him when I caught his glare. "What...?" I followed his line of vision to see a worn black Ford parked in the curb. The occupants of the car were Jacob and Billy. The looks on their faces were comically opposite to each other's. Jacob looked mortified while Billy's nostrils were flared with obvious outrage.

"What are they doing here?" I whispered.

Edward didn't answer, just mumbled something under his breath, too low for even me to hear. "Edward...?" I asked again, hoping he'd swipe their minds and give me something to work with.

"He's known that we're friends for a while now. He got anxious when he didn't see you today." He spat.

I sat back in my car, contemplating. "I'll handle this." I said, putting my hand on the car handle. "Don't forget this." He handed me the shopping bag, Alice and Rosalie had equipped me with. "I can't wait to see it; I'll pick you up at dusk." He told me.

"Ok," I said as he swiftly leaned in and dropped a kiss on my cheek.

Without looking back, I hopped out and protecting the bag with my arms, ran up to the porch.

"Hi Billy, Jacob," I said as I knocked on the door.

"Hi Tulika, I just brought up some of Harry Clearwater's fish fry." Billy said as Bella opened the door, looking surprised to see me with the Blacks. "Hey, how did the meeting go?" she asked.

I made a quick move to cut her off and smiled at Billy. "Thanks, Billy, that's nice of you." I said, going into the kitchen to take off my wet coat, leaving Bella to deal with Jacob and Billy. I kind of felt guilty but hey, it was my business.

I dumped my bags into my room before going back into the kitchen to get a drink, thinking maybe the Blacks were gone. I stopped short when I saw Billy sitting beside the dining table.

"Tulika, we need to talk." He said.

I considered the man in front of me before sliding into a chair, "Is this about the Cullens? You don't want me to see them?" I asked. He raised a brow. "They have an unpleasant reputation on the reservation," he explained. I sighed, bringing my hand up to rub my neck. "Billy, I respect you and I understand your concern but I assure you, there is nothing to worry about." I said.

"No, I don't think you do, Tulika. That reputation is well earned." He pressed.

"I know Billy. Believe me, I know," I insisted and he finally understood. "You're informed?" he asked, shocked.

I stopped myself from laughing. "I'm probably just a tad bit more than informed, Billy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date I need to go get ready for." I stood up and waited for him to steer himself from the kitchen.

"Think about it, Tulika," he pressed.

I nodded as Bella and Jacob entered the kitchen...with Charlie.

"Billy, hey, great to see you again," he said jovially, removing his fishing hat. "It is, sorry to show up like this but..." he shot a glance over his shoulder at me. "I'd say we got what we needed. Have a nice night girls, Charlie." He wheeled away with Jacob throwing me a final wistful grin and trudging after his father.

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