Chapter Eight

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When I woke up that morning, the stuff that happened the day before came back to me slowly. I lay there for a minute or two before remembering what Antanie had done. I didn’t get it. I couldn’t stand his ass and he knew it. Why would he kiss me? It was just so weird, and unexpected, but in a strange way it seemed like something he would do. But what did he mean by it? Was he just trying to annoy or humiliate me further, or was it completely random? Or maybe he liked me. I doubted he liked me.

                I decided to just confront him about it today. Rolling out of bed, I made my way to my bathroom to wash my face. I then got dressed and headed downstairs, where my younger sister Cai was at the table.

                “Morning.” She said without looking up.

                “Where’s mom?”

                “She had to go in to work early for a meeting before her first patient arrived. Oh and her car wouldn’t start so she took yours. She said she’s come pick you up after school.”

                I sighed. “How am I supposed to get a ride to school then?”

                Cai shrugged. I poured some orange juice and sat down next to her. “Okay then. I’ll just take the bus with you.”

                “Great. It leaves in about twenty minutes. I’m going by Claire’s first so I’ll see you there.”

                “Okay see ya.”

                “I see Antanie’s got his white boy swag on today,” Darius said, looking over my shoulder. I turned and looked where Antanie had just walked into the cafeteria.  I hadn’t seen him at school earlier and I thought he was absent, but I guess he just came in late.  He had on a pale blue, collared button down dress shirt on, and over that was a light yellow vest with the argyle pattern down one side. He was wearing light khaki shorts and boat shoes that just didn’t look quite right on him, yet they went well with the outfit.

                “You mean preppy rich white boy swag?” I asked.

                Darius laughed. I watched as Ant looked around the cafeteria. A moment later he looked right at me, I turned quickly away. Darius laughed at me again and moved forward in the lunchline. I waited for a moment to see if Ant would pass me to get in one of the lines, and when he didn’t, I looked behind me to see if maybe he’s gone over to the tables or back outside. I didn’t see him so I turned forward, and jumped when he was right next to me.

                “Lookin for me?”

                “Why would I be? And I’d appreciate a warning before you sneak up on me next time.”

                He ignored my request and asked, “Aye, you gotta quarter?”

                “Not for you.”

                “Aw, see, cause I only got seventy five cents. Everythin’ in the vending machine’s a dollar.”

                “Well, tough.”

                “A’ight. I see how it is. I’ma remember that.”

                “Remember it, write it down, take a picture, I don’t give a fuck!”

                He walked away laughing.

                “Well that went down smoothly.” Darius commented. I gave him a look and he just laughed.

                “Sooo Elissa. What was that all about?” Haley joined the line. “What did he want?”

                “A quarter.”

                “Awww!” She teased. “He didn’t try to kiss you again?”

                I had completely forgotten to talk to Ant about that. I’d get him later. “No.” I glanced at Darius. I hadn’t told him about what happened yesterday. He raised his eyebrows. I explained what Ant did yesterday. Darius thought it was funny.

                “I’m serious! It’s not funny its weird and stupid! Why would he do that?”

                “Simple.” Darius said. “He likes you.”

                “He does not!”

                “Yes he does. It’s obvious! I mean he kissed you, Elissa! People don’t just kiss other people and not have feelings!”

                “It’s hard to explain but its not like that! I know he doesn’t like me.” 

                “You’re just in denial.” Haley commented. I just rolled my eyes. “Sure.”


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