Chapter 13 - The Truth About Autumn Bearers

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"So?", Merida asked.

It was morning and they all waited for Autumn to explain.

With a sigh, Autumn made leaves turn into a viewing device and it showed a girl with brown eyes and short wavy jet black hair.

" M-Marionette?!!", Spring guessed.

"Yeah. Her.", Autumn tried not to cry. " The one who-"

Her voice cracked.

"Autumn", Hiccup called. " You don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

"N-no, it's important", she insisted.

Stoick motioned her to go on.

She took a deep breath.

" She was the former Autumn bearer. She was kind and caring like Hiccup but...."

" The thing about Autumn bearers is that they are always rejected. And even if things change, there are still negative feelings stored inside them."

The image changed. Marionette and the other former bearers were running away and Larry, the spring bearer was held by the throat and that seemed to push a button in Marionette.

" And when the time is right...."

Marionette's eyes got murderous.

" All the bad feelings....the emotions......"

Larry got thrown off and Marionette swung her weapon-an axe.

"......will BURST."

Everyone gasped as the image of Marionette hurt the person ruthlessly. She was going to hurt her friends too but a sword stabbed her from the back and she died.

The image disappeared and Autumn got a solemn face on.

Everyone was shell-shocked.

Hiccup was the first to recover.

"So, that means....", he gulped. " I'm destined to kill my friends someday?"

"Don't worry", Autumn reassured. " We won't let that happen."

Hiccup broke down. He clearly is having a panic attack.

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