Chapter 15 - Bursted and Captured

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Fuming, Hiccup layed in his pillow. He screamed inwardly.

His eyes travelled on a pair of red eyes and he jumped.

"Relax, boy.", It said." For I will destroy all that you loved!"

It giggled and Hiccup's eyes twitched.

It started to head outside with a cloud-like form.

Then, without warning, he launched himself over the creature.


"Huh.", Spring mumbled. " 10 minutes. Well, that's a new record on being grumpy."

Jack cried.

Winter scoffed. Then realized something.

She turned to Spring. "Spring, I don't really pay much attention to these things but usually, Hiccup's anger only lasts for 5 minutes!"

Looking at Spring's expression, Winter knows that she realized it too.

Then, the two of them has the same idea that popped on their heads.

"AUTUMN! MERIDA!", They screamed, leaving a frozen whimpering Jack alone.


Merida looked at Hiccup's room.

He layed on the bed. He was awfully silent.

She approached him. " Hey-", she started but was cut off when Hiccup jumped to her, a big razor sharp leaf on his hand and he was trying to hurt her.

That clearly meant one thing.

The emotions bursted.

She kicked him off her then ran off but on her way to the door, she accidentally head-butted Autumn.

"Oof!", Merida fell. Autumn too. Then Autumn stood up and looked around the room.

Merida realized that no one's there.

Autumn shook Merida's shoulders. " Merida, Where. Is. Hiccup?!"

Merida didn't answer.

She was stunned herself.

Summer appeared behind Autumn. "My best guess is that Hiccup's negative emotions bursted, attacked you and then he suddenly disappeared. As if captured."

Merida slowly nodded.

The three went silent. Then yelled to call the others.

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