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They were standing in the throne room and Gaia bestowed them amulets.

Each amulet was unique and it gave them powers.

Jack got the power to shapeshift.

Rapunzel got the power of healing with her hair again. And also she got the ability to change her hair's appearance.

Merida got the ability of bending blood.

And Hiccup was entitled the apperentice of Gaia.

Then they lived happily ever after.

Though there IS one thing......

".....I think he's dead."

Hiccup stared at the passed out figure of Jack. Merida layed back, relaxing.

"Pst. About time the lord answers my prayers.", she murmured.

Winter hummed in agreement as Rapunzel carry him to his room.

Jack isn't really dead. Just drunk. So.....

They lived happily for all eternity, blah, blah, blah.

I'm just lazy today. Sorry. Anyway.....


The Big Four Fanfiction 2: Roses And ThornsWhere stories live. Discover now