Chapter 16 - Rapunzel's Hair and Nathalie's Location

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".....yep, you're bonkers."

Nathalie looked at Gaea who laughed.

Meanwhile, Hiccup -who was acting like an untamed brutal person- was handcuffed and tied to a wall with chains. He was biting on the handcuffs to get out.

Then, Gaea got over it. She giggled lightly though.

"I'm laughing", Gaea pressed. " because I finally got the one who will be MY servant."

Nathalie rolled her eyes and for once, Hiccup stopped being rabbid and looked at the Earth Mother with a sense that this embodiment of the Earth is a Level 10000000000 Psycopath.

Nathalie went over the Auburn-haired teen. Then, when Nathalie waved her hand accidentally at him while her and Mother Earth talked, he bit her hand.

She staggered back and held her bitten hand. "Oh, you're quite feisty, are you?", she asked.

She got a growl for an answer. She laughed lightly and turned to Gaea.

" Yep, he's the one. Now let's get to work."


Merida kicked the door down.

She took a deep breath and....

"EEVVVEERRYYYOOONNNEEE!!!!!", She yelled. Autumn and Summer got their ears burned.

Then Spring yelled\replied. " OVVERRR HHEEERRREEE!!!"

That made them fall.

Merida got mad. "DON'T YELL AT-"

Her voice died when someone blasted her lips with Ice.

Then, Spring -which is from the other room- slipped on Ice and slided then bumped to Summer.

A voice laughed.

Jack came to them. "Stop yelling, 'ya fools!"

Merida and the others stared at him.

"How are....", Merida started.

" You....", Autumn hissed.

"Not.....", Summer whispered.

" Frozen?!", Spring finished.

Jack shrugged. "Ehh...... Rapunzel healed me."

He looked at the three girls. "With her hair."

Merida flinched then got her hand wounded. Then, Rapunzel came to them and wrapped her hair around her hand.

Merida gave her a weird look.

Rapunzel looked at her with an expression that said 'Don't. Freak. Out."

Then she starts to sing.

"Flower gleam and glow....

Let your power shine....

Make the clock reverse....."

She continued the song. Then, she  unwrapped her hair.

Merida stared at her woundless, scarless, bloodless hand.

She took a deep breath then....

She screamed a good deal of 5 minutes.


"WowRapunzelwhendidyougetthatpowers?", She asked quickly.

Rapunzel fell silent. " Umm.....Forever?"

Jack pat her shoulder. "She unfroze me from Hic's spell."

Then, an idea dawned on him.

"GUYS!", Jack called. " I have an idea."

Then, he grinned mischeivously.

The girls gulped.

"But...", Jack whispered. " I'll need a lot of hair and bait."

Summer then snapped her fingers in front of Jack's face. "And a location", she deadpanned.

Jack whistled. " Aaannndd also that."


They found out -with the help of North- that Nathalie's hideout is where the Gods are beyond their aid.


They got help from a girl at about 13 who they don't know.

She gave them a GPS device and a car that Jack can drive.

Merida hugged her.

Rapunzel thanked her.


Jack pointed a finger at her. " YOUR A SPY!!!"

The others gave him weird looks.

The girl laughed. "No, I'm not."

She ruffled Jack's hair. "But, if you know me, you'll be bowing at me."

Then Spring gasped. "Y-your Hera!"

Then, as she said, they all bowed at her. 

Later, she forgave Jack and gave them her blessing.

Then, they were on their way.


They went in.

The smell remided Spring of...


Of broken dreams....

And Pain.....

It was really awful and without Winter since she said she was grounded, she can't help but feel scared.

Yet, she acted confident and brave.

Then,  she went to the center.

Instantly, all the cage-like doors closed.

Then a figure walked toward her.

"Greetings", it spoke.

The weird thing that Spring noticed.....

Is that it sounded like Hiccup.

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