Can't be a tactician all the time.

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With the next day turning fall with the leaves falling off, I've decided to head into town and buy something to keep me warm.

I've bought a coat that is black and white, with that I wanted to head back to the dorm to get some shut eye after the battle with 2 mecha bots. On my way I see Blake sneaking around in a ally and my curiosity got the best of me and wanted to figure out her agenda.

A couple of minutes following her, I then lost her and felt someone's gun behind my head.

Y/n: I was about to post up posters of a lost cat.

Blake: Why are following me?

Y/n: We're a team aren't we? And we just fought the other day, you should be resting rather than dealing with the white fang.

Blake: How did you know about me following them?

Y/n: Lucky guess, we been dealing with them for a while now, so it's no surprised.

Blake: I found something that would make a lead to the higher ups in there groups.

Y/n: I'm coming along.

Blake: You're still beat up after what happened.

Y/n: I'm aware of that, but this will be an in and out mission.

Blake: Agree.

Y/n: Let's get started.

She told me that she was following someone who might be involved in white fang.
Right about were about to leave, I've felt someone's eyes on us, but it fade away before I can look there direction.
This kept my guard up at all times than usual.

We both then followed the person who's affiliated with the white fang and it led us to (yes I know there's gonna be a lot of warehouses and can't think of any place) warehouse.

Blake: There. He's speaking to a white fang member.

Y/n: Let's go to the side of the house.

We headed there and knock out some guards.

We over heard the meeting there will be a shipment in a bit.

Blake: We should stick around until they come-

Y/n: Were both are not at 100 percent. We don't stand a chance.

Blake: We have our semblance.

Y/n: And we have our limits.

Blake: Fine.

She then went ahead and I follow after her. Stubborn as ever.

While rushing to our pint point location in the warehouse to ambush them. I noticed that there some type of explosives, claymore on the walls and Blake is ahead of me.

I rushed to find her and desperately trying to avoid grunts.

With my eye triggering 15 second ahead, I know where Blake is at and didn't care about the grunts noticing me. I cut down everything ahead of me and Blake then aids me.

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