Chapter Two: The Birthday

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Elena Gilbert walked inside the Salvatore house without bothering to knock, the sun was already becoming unbearable not to mention that the big house felt lonely with only Damon. In her hands she was holding a new lead that Sherriff Forbes had brought that morning.

"You should learn to knock," Damon Salvatore said as he came into the room. "What if I was indecent?"

"Very funny." Elena held up the piece of paper. "Sherriff Forbes gave us another location to check. It's in Tennessee."

"Another dead end you mean." There was anger and hurt in Damon's voice, two months had passed and there were still no closer to finding Holly or his baby brother. Damon had called and texted her, but Holly hadn't picked up once.

Elena looked discouraged. "You don't know that."

"You're right, Elena this could be the one. After almost two months this could be the one that tells us that Holly and Stefan have been in paradise all along and sipping drinks with Klaus."

"Fine." Elena huffed. "I'll go by myself."

Damon snatched the paper away. "And let Klaus know that you're still alive, no thanks."

"It's a new lead, Damon we haven't had one in a while."

Damon sighed. "Fine, I'll check it out but don't get your hope up."
"Damn it, Klaus what the hell is taking so long?" Holly leaned back against her seat and looked back at the pretty two story house that was by now thanks to Stefan covered in blood and trying to ignored the screams coming from the two women inside.

She honestly didn't know why Klaus used tortured to get information, she also didn't know why this guy Ray something was so damn important. This was not the way she envision spending her birthday.

Usually she spend it with her twin, but since Klaus couldn't know that she was alive, Holly would have to make do with a pity party all by herself. She looked back and saw Klaus coming her way and smirking at her.

"Well, that was delightful." He said as he slid into the passenger seat.

Holly turned to him slightly. "Did you get the information you wanted?"

"More or less." Klaus said as he tugged back a curl, while Holly tried not to flinch and let herself be intimidated. "Oh, don't worry sweetheart, I wouldn't kill you on your birthday speaking of birthdays take the night off."

Holly looked confused as she studied his face. "Seriously?"

Klaus shrugged. "Now why do you sound surprise? I'm not a monster, Holly." Holly snorted. "But even though I have lived a 1000 years I do know the importance of birthdays and eighteen is a big birthday. So go out and have some fun. Just be back in the morning."
Elena's birthday party that Caroline Forbes had planned wasn't even over yet and she was ready to tear her hair out. She went into Damon's room for a little space.

"It's occupied!"


"Sorry," Caroline was holding a blood bag. "I just needed to take a break. Are you hiding?"

She shook her head. "I'm looking for Damon."

"Well, I hope he's still here because we haven't done the cake yet."

Elena winced. "I think I'm going to pass on the whole cake thing."

Caroline's eyes widened. "No, you can't. It's the dawn of a new era and you can't move on until you blow out the candles and make a wish."

"Is that what everyone wants me to do?" Elena replied. "Move on with my life? I'm not going to give up on finding Holly and Stefan."

"No, of course not." Caroline's eyebrows furrowed. "But you have to admit that you're kind of letting your life pass you."

"You want me to make a wish, I just want to know that they are alive, that's my wish," Elena stopped short when she saw Damon's closet it was covered in maps and old newspaper clippings.

"What is all that?"

"It's Klaus." Elena gulped. "He's been tracking him without me."

"Why wouldn't he just tell you?"

"I don't know."
Holly knew that this was a stupid idea, but she had to see him, at least once and it was her birthday for crying out loud. So she had answered back and texted him and asked him to meet her halfway. She could fear her heart tingling with anticipation as she saw a black, leather jacket exiting from the blue car at the same time that she exited her own.

"Damon-"she barely got out his name before Damon wrapped his arms around her in a hug. He could smell her familiar scent of vanilla and mint while she could smell his musky cologne.

He kissed her roughly. "You shouldn't have-" he said meaning the fact that Stefan and Holly had decided to follow Klaus in  for the cure.

"I means you're alive," Holly whispered. "That's all that matters. Would you have done it for me?"

He nodded.

"Then you know why I did it," she pulled back. "Damon, I don't have a lot of time, Klaus will be expecting me back soon and it's a long way-"

"Don't." he shook his head. "Don't go back, just stay."

"I can't." Holly bit her lip. "He'll kill me, he'll kill anyone that I have ever even said hi too, and it's too risky. I can't. That why I came back, you need to move on and I wanted to say goodbye."

Damon's jaw tightened. "No, I won't let you and Stefan become Klaus' prisoners for the rest of your lives and for me."

"Damon," she choked out. "Let me go, let me say goodbye."

In a minute, she was gone.
Stefan exited the bar, his hands were still smeared with blood and wolfsbane, but Klaus was happy and he had gotten the answers he needed from the wolf, Ray Sutton so that was all that matter. Today was Elena's birthday as well, god how he missed her, how he wanted to hear her voice.

Against his better judgment, he dialed her number.

"Hello?" Elena answered. "Hello? Stefan, Stefan if it's you, you'll be ok. I love you, Stefan don't forget that."
"Where have you've been?" Holly stopped short when she heard Klaus, she discreetly hid her car keys in her purse and tried to maintain an innocent face which was easier said than done.

"You told me that I could celebrate my birthday, so I did." She said. "I went to go celebrate it." She had only been gone for a few hours and she had practically ran through every red light just to make it there in time. "Problem?"

Klaus ran a hand through her cheek and she jumped.

"So jumpy," Holly didn't say anything. "Don't take me for a fool, Holly I will always know what you're up to."

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