Chapter Five: Disturbing Behavior

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"Zip me up," Rebekah instructed to Holly as she zipped up the gold dress, the tenth dress that she had tried out even since they had walked through the door. After insisting that she needed new clothes to fit in, Rebekah had dragged everyone to the nearest boutique and since Holly was the only other girl in the group, she was practically her lady's maid or something.

She looked disgusted. "There has to be more to this dress."

"There's not," Holly pointed to her own shorts. "Everything is miniature."

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "In the twenties I got dirty looks for wearing trousers, apparently its ok for women in the 21st century to dress like a prostitutes."

She walked out of the dressing room and her frown deepened. "And what is this? It sounds like a cable car accident?"

"Its music," Stefan offered from where he was sipping champagne with Klaus. "Dance music."

"People dance to this?" Rebekah said in a wonderes tone. She noticed that Klaus had a frown on his face. "And why are you so grumpy?"

"I needed one thing from you to find out why my hybrids were dying and you lost your necklace."

"I didn't lose it." She snapped. "It's just been missing for 90 years. What do you think?"

"I like it," Stefan said in an unconvincing tone.

Rebekah stomped her foot. "You're lying, I can always tell when you're lying Stefan."

Stefan stood up, obviously bored with shopping. He set down the champagne glass on the table. "I'm going to get some fresh air, I'll meet you back at Gloria's."
"You left us," Rebekah pouted at Stefan once he arrived at Gloria's bar an hour later. Rebekah was dressed in her new clothes which consisted of a white top and black shorts. Gloria was sitting across from her while Klaus and Holly were sitting at the side.

"Yeah, retail therapy was giving me a headache," Stefan noticed that Gloria was chanting. "What is she doing?"

"Failing," came Klaus' answer.

"It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on," Gloria said with an edge to her voice.

Rebekah leaned her hand forward. "So use me, I only wore it for a 1000 years." Gloria took her hand and made a small cut in the middle and started chanting again.

Holly sucked in her cheeks nervously. "So, um that should tell her where the necklace is isn't it?" No one answered her.

"I found it." Gloria said.

"Where is it?" Rebekah asked eagerly.

She shook her head. "It doesn't work like that doll, I get images a girl with her friends."

She frowned. "Yes, a dead girl with dead friends if I don't get my necklace back."

Gloria shook her head. "I need more time, and more space," she said glaring in Klaus' direction. Klaus glared back.

"How about we get a bite to eat?" Holly suggested as she stood up. "Suddenly, I'm starving."
"There you are," Rebekah said at Holly who had been staring at the family coffins, she knew that Elijah was in one of them. "Klaus was looking for you, but like always he got distracted by one of his witches." She noticed that Holly was staring at the coffins. "Morbid isn't it?"

"Why don't you just undagger them?" she asked. "They're your family, I'm sure you must miss them. I know I would."

Rebekah softened. "Because Klaus would chase me to the ends of the world and kill me, he's a vindictive bastard my brother."

"I can related," she said as she sat next to her. "Not about the paranoid, vindictive part, but I have siblings too and I know that they can be a hassle, but you still love them."

Rebekah gave her a small smile. "Well, siblings can be exhausting. I'm sorry about your dead sister. My brother is an ass. He will do anything for power."

She nodded. "Klaus told Stefan and me an interesting story while you were here in the twenties he said you guys were happy, but that you were force to run. I guess I just have a hard time believing Klaus Mikaelson being afraid of anything."

She shook her head. "No one in this world is truly fearless, Holly not even my brother."

"Who was he?" she asked. "The man you were running away from?"

Rebekah didn't answer and instead changed the topic. "My brother told me what you and Stefan did, you sacrifice yourselves to save his brother and your boyfriend. You must have really liked him."

Holly nodded, thinking of Damon. "I did. I mean I still do."

"You're lucky then," Rebekah said softly. "I wish I loved someone the way you love Stefan's brother."

"Gloria's gone, we need to clear out and find a new witch," Klaus stared at them. "What's going on?"

"She's not with us, Nik," Rebekah said suddenly. "And neither is Stefan, I can feel it, she asked about Mikael she knows something."

Klaus flashed towards Holly and gripped the back on her skull.

"I haven't compelled you out of politeness," Klaus gripped the back of her head. "But politeness goes only so far. What do you know that I don't?" he said compelling her.

"Elena is alive," she said in a monotype voice. "And still living in Mystic Falls."

There was a scowl on Klaus' face.

"Klaus, please let me-"but Holly didn't finish because at that point he snapped her neck.
Holly woke up slowly, she opened her eyes and saw that Stefan was next to her. She looked up and saw Klaus. She leaned back against the door of the truck.

"Easy love, no need to be frightened," Klaus said. "I'm not mad, just curious. How much of a fool do you think I am? You're not a very good liar, Holly and I suspected that something was wrong the minute you went to visit that Salvatore brother. I don't need your pathetic explanations."

Holly didn't respond.

He opened the trunk door. "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Holly."

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