Chapter Fourteen: Bringing Out the Dead

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Holly was just getting breakfast on the table when she heard the doorbell ring. "Elena can you get that?"

"Sure," Elena opened the door and she looked taken back when she saw that it was Liz. "Sherriff Forbes, hi. Is everything ok?" Alaric and Holly appeared at the doorway and Liz sighed.

"This is an unconventional conversation we're about to have so I hope, you'll protect me on it. I assume you know that Brian Walters was murdered?"

Alaric nodded. "Yeah, we heard about it."

"Well someone used this to stake his heart," Liz said as she showed them the stake that was inside a baggie.

Alaric frowned. "That's one of ours. I stashed some at the Gilbert lake house."

Liz nodded, looking serious. "That's why I came to talk to you, we've only found one set of fingerprints," she looked at Elena. "Yours."
"So your sister is one of the prime suspects, huh?" Damon's voice rang out amused at the other end. "What is it with you Gilberts and your secrets talents?"

"That's not funny, Damon." Holly said, trying to keep a smile from her face. "She doesn't think that Elena did it, she's just trying to figure out who did using our family's weapons. But who else besides us know about our secret weapons?"

Damon sounded disgusted. "It's Klaus, it has to be, and he's just messing with us."

Holly hesitated. "Do you think it could be Stefan? I mean he's been on edge ever since we forced him to give up the coffins. I know he doesn't hurt human beings, but ever since Klaus-"

"He's been off the rails, got you." He stopped short when he saw Elijah waiting for him. "I've got to go, I'll call you later. I'm having tea with an old friend."
"Honey, I'm home," Damon sing song as he came in a few hours later and saw Holly in the living room and staring at her phone, waiting for information about Bill Forbes. Bill had been trying to help Tyler break the sire bond and Tyler had injured him which resulted in him being hospitalized. The worst thing was that there had been a freak accident and now Bill was dead with vampire blood in his system and she doubted that vampire hating Bill Forbes would want to be a vampire.

"Get dress." He said handing her a pale pink dress that Damon had gotten from her closet.

Holly frowned as she touched the silky material. "Why? Where are we going?"

"Don't look so smiley, it's not going to be pleasant. You remember backstabbing Original brother that I un daggered?"

She nodded. "Elijah, why?"

"Well, we are going to be having dinner with him tonight." Damon added. "And Klaus and Stefan."

Holly grew even more confused, the last thing she wanted to do was have dinner with Klaus. "And why is that?"

"Oh, come on Holly you like surprises and you'll love this one." Damon smirked. "Get dressed."
Two hours later, Holly, Damon and Stefan entered the Mikaelson's living room where they were greeted by an elegantly dressed Elijah. "Niklaus, our guests have arrived. It's nice to see you again, Holly."

Holly nodded. "You too, it's been a while."

Klaus stepped forward and looked at them. "Damon, Stefan, and Holly Elijah has informed me that you seek an audience very bold so let's settled this like civilized men . . . and lady."

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