Chapter Sixteen: All My Children

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"So let's not make a big deal out of this, shall we?" Rebekah said still wearing her green dress from last night as Damon followed her towards the door. "I'm sure you're come calling soon enough without your precious Holly in the picture."

"Let's not hold our breath." Damon said sarcastically as he opened the door. "I'm through with women at the moment, especially Holly-"

"Opps," Rebekah let out a delicate sigh as she saw Holly standing in front of them looking a combination of both hurt and shocked. "Now, we're even no hard feeling Holly, darling."

"Goodbye, Rebekah." Holly hissed. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out."

Holly closed the door once Rebekah left and followed Damon into the parlor where he was pouring himself a drink. "I came to apologize, apparently I spoke to soon. It's nice to know that you moved on so fast."

"Can we just drop it Holly?" Damon asked as he poured himself a drink. "You wanted to be as free as a bird without me breathing down your neck. I granted you that wish, now we're both free of each other."

Holly felt the guilt, but at that moment she was too annoyed at Damon sleeping with Rebekah. "So is this how it's going to be, I hurt your feelings and now you're lashing out at me?"

"Well, maybe for once it didn't have nothing to do with you." Damon sarcastically raised his glass. "Did you ever thought of that?"

Holly stiffened. "I don't know if Elena told you, yet but Esther is planning on killing her children. She linked them together with a spell if one Original dies, they all die." She saw Damon's blank face. "Hold on are you not listening to me, Esther is going to kill them."

"Yes, we get rid of them once and for all, if I remember correctly at some point you wanted Klaus dead." Damon narrowed his eyes. "What changed?"

"I did," Holly responded. "I may hate Klaus, but I don't want him dead at least not now, and Elijah even Rebekah don't deserve to die like this. Why do I even bother, your heart is made of stone."

She turned to go away, but Damon blocked her path. "Don't do anything to screw this up, Holly."

"He's right." Stefan stepped into the room. "Klaus has to die. They all do."

Holly scoffed. "You two are unbelievable."
"He was gloating," Holly fumed to the girls as they paced around her bedroom. "Like he wanted to prove to me that our relationship meant nothing, I say one little thing and it falls to pieces." She looked at the burning sage and then at Elena. "Are you sure that this is what Esther used."

Elena nodded. "Pretty sure."

"It's not working." Bonnie sighed. "It's a tricky spell."

Caroline opened the door. "Yeah, I can still hear everything you guys are saying."

"Well, when Esther did it, there was a lot more smoke." Elena pointed out.

As Bonnie tried again, she raised her head in their direction. "Speaking of Esther you should know that she came to visit me and Abby this morning. She wanted to introduce herself it was our bloodline and ancestry that brought her back. She probably thought that she was being polite."

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