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kkangseul sent you a message!

kkangseul: tell me your name

seen, 11:18

seulgistopblockingme: just call me fellow citizen?

kkangseul: tell me your name

seulgistopblockingme: its not that of a big deal seulgi

kkangseul: exactly

kkangseul: so why wont u tell me

seulgistopblockingme: bc its not that of a big deal?

kkangseul: if its not that of a big deal then why wont u tell

seulgistopblockingme: why r u even so eager

kkangseul: uh

kkangseul: bc its weird to have someone named 'seulgistopblockingme' to chat to

kkangseul: and i cant tell stories about u

kkangseul: its not like i could name u 'a guy i randomly chatted to' forever am i rite

kkangseul: plus its time consuming

seulgistopblockingme: my name is nice

seulgistopblockingme: so that u wont block me

seulgistopblockingme: dont u get flattered

seulgistopblockingme: that someone wants you to know that they want to talk to u

seulgistopblockingme: persistently

kkangseul: well sadly

kkangseul: aint flattered

kkangseul: not even a bit

kkangseul: why wont u just tell me

kkangseul: so i can set a nickname for u

kkangseul: its not like ur name is something that i hate

kkangseul: ur name isnt jimin rite

seen, 11:19

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