Chapter 1

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Krista's POV

I stared down at the paperwork in front of me that my dad had currently presented. Seeing I was the heir of his company, father though it would be best if I join him with all of his meetings, including this one. Levi, my bodyguard looked at me as the argument between me and my dad.

"This is irrelevant! I can see now reason why we should even sponsor a concert for a boy band!" I objected my dad. Levi had actually flinched as I slammed my hand down on the table.

"It would not bring any good for the company," I continued arguing.

"I thought it would be a great birthday gift since you are turning 17 on the same day," my father just shrugged.

"I'm more into anime thank you very much. If you wanted to get me a birthday gift, you should have brought all of the Shingeki No Kyojin merchandise. I don't even have a figurine yet," Krista demanded.

"Sorry, but no can do. I won't be wasting the company's money just to spoil you that much. Besides, I'm no fan of anime. I like BTS more and you only have yourself to blame," My dad confessed.

I raised an eyebrow and eyed him suspiciously. Crossing my arm, I stood up and walked to my dad.

"Say dad, why do I have myself to blame. I'm pretty sure I kept all of my obsession to myself so none of my parents would be 'infected'," I questioned him.

"Have you been going into my room?" he was getting real nervous. I see him fidgeting with his fingers.

"Maybe..." it came out more like a whisper.

"Oh... no..." I put my hands over my face, faking shock.

"My dad is an old ARMY!" I screamed before running out of the meeting room.

My bodyguard made his way to my dad, as I just hid behind the door. He held out his phone and showed it to my father.

From: Little Brat =='

Tell dad I agree, as long as I get a special booth all to myself (and you of course) and I get a backstage pass to meet the members.

My dad just sighed in defeat and agreed with my terms. I grinned like an idiot and hugged and hugged my dad.

"Guess we're both ARMYs now," Me and my dad both laughed.

Rachel's POV

My dad keeps bugging me. It's been like these for hours and it's getting annoying.

"Please! You need to sell these rice cakes at the concert tonight! You just have to..." my dad begged me.

"Fine, but promise me to get the auto-pilot motorbike I've been asking since last year." I am so not working for free. Besides, he's asking me to sell these illegally.

"It's a deal!" We shook hands and that was it.

I was now officially going to going to sell these rice cakes at the BTS concert just to get my dream bike.

"Oh, and before I forget, you need to grant me all of these items on the list if you want them to be completely sold," I smiled sweetly as I handed him the paper.

He groaned but agreed anyway.

Now this is getting good.

Danielle's POV

My driver dropped me off at Tiffany's place. Me and my friends decided to have a girls night out and go to the BTS concert. Since Tiffany's house is the closest, we all settled to have a sleepover at her place afterwards.

I was in my casual blue t-shirt with the words 'ARMY' on it with black skinny jeans and of course my duffel bag for tonight. I didn't need to look like a posh kid going to some classy event to this concert, which my mother insisted was the right image. Of course, I begged mother to let me wear as I please, just this once.

Lilian greeted me at the door and gestured for me to go straight into Tiffany's room. After putting my bag on one of the air beds provided, Lilian called me.

"Hey Dani, could you do me a favor and get us all a few refreshments?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure, I'll get some juice then," and I scurried down the stairs to get the drinks.

I got 6 glasses filled with freshly squeezed lemonade and a plate of muffins the maid had made earlier. I put them all on a tray ad carefully balanced them as I walked up the stairs.

I was about to open the door, I heard them talking, and it was definitely not any of our ordinary gossip. And to think they didn't let me join. They are so gonna get it for leaving me out. I pressed my hand on the knob, but stopped myself when I actually heard what they were talking.

"Did you bring the masks?" I knew that was Roselyn.

I froze. Masks? Why do they need masks when we're just going to a concert?

"I got them right here." This is insane.

I am so peeking. I saw Elizabeth stuffing the masks into her backpack and a few other stuff. I wasn't able to identify.

Are they planning something?

No, I can't make any assumptions yet. I'll just have to wait and see.

I knock on the door and casually walked in. Elizabeth was a nervous wreck when I suddenly barged in and the others tried to cover her from my sight.

"I brought the refreshments. Thought it would be nice to have some lemonade. Hope you don't mind a few lemons missing, Tiffany," I held out the tray at them.

Tiffany quickly thanked me and took the tray. We all sat down and starting our usual gossip session. They were all excited about the concert tonight. Truthfully, I wasn't really into the concert thing. It's just not my thing. I probably wouldn't so if Catherine didn't bought all of us front row seats before telling.

"You guys ready for this? Let's make tonight History!" Elizabeth laughed and open the song History Maker by Dean Fujiko

They all laughed and huddled in for a group hug. Catherine and Lilian both held out their hands to me. I reluctantly took it and smiled. We were all jumping and laughing like any typical school girl.

"Bangtan is History!" they yelled in unison, leaving me dumbstruck.

History? Wait, what do they mean by that?

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