Chapter 9

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Rachel's POV

"So, Rach! Where are all the gadgets," Krista roamed around my room, with Levi following her. Dani tagged along with both of them and inspected my whole room, letting a gasp of awe once in a while. The three of them were currently focused on all the blueprints that I had scattered around my room. I rub my temple to reduce the painful headache I was getting. I took a deep breath and faced Jin.

Rather than wasting my time with those two, I should be doing some real progress with Jin on the situation. We went and sat on my bed, away from the three nosy people messing with my stuff. With my trusty spy notebook and pen, I started my interview with Jin, and tried finding clues about our culprits.

"So Jin. Any idea of who these kidnappers could be?" I tapped my chin with my pen.

"Well, I couldn't see much honestly. We were put in sacks right after the smoke came. It took us all by surprise. The only thing I'm sure is that they were all girls, judging from the way they talk and how one of them were complaining about a broken nail," Jin shrugged and looked around the room.

I scribbled everything I found necessary. So the girls I saw carrying sacks at the concert were in fact the culprits. Sadly, even I didn't get a good look at them. The only thing I could pinpoint was they were probably kids from wealthy family, guiding by their clothing.

It was pretty ridiculous too. I mean, you put that much ribbon on a jumpsuit?

I was still thinking about those girls when I heard a sigh. I looked at Jin, who seemed down once again. I couldn't help feeling pity for the poor guy.

"You okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder in attempt of comfort.

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged my hand off him and turned the other way.

"You're worried we won't be able to find them, aren't you?" Jin just answered my question with a nod.

I looked at my notebook again, racking my brain a way to cheer him up. Just when I was about to get a brilliant idea, Krista decided to ruin my moment and jumped on the bed. Me and Jin were both shocked by the sudden movement of my bed.

"Hey, Rachel. I remember you mentioning you have a tracking device. Can't we use that?" Krista asked.

I face palmed myself. How could I forget about that?

"I thought we had to have some sort of tracking device on them first. I don't think Rachel would have thought of putting tracking devices on the members," Dani cut in.

Again with the face palm. How can I forget about that one too?

"Well Dani is right. I may have a tracking device, but it is proved useless unless we managed to put my tracking bugs on them," I sighed.

Jin jumped off the bed, a wide smile of his face. It was nice to see him happy once in a while, despite the crisis we're in.

"Hate to break it to you all, oh wait, maybe I don't. Well, actually we do have tracking devices on us! We have the software in these small USB drives, so we can track anyone if anything happens," but then his smile faded. "But that's just the thing. This time, it was V's turn to hold the drive. So, unless we can find V or get hold the drive, my info is pretty much useless too," Jin sighed.

I quickly turned to Dani, with a big smile on my face. Dani, however, lowered her gaze and fidgeted with her fingers. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"How about you invite V over?" I told her.

Jin turned his head over to Dani, curious why I had mentioned inviting V over to her. His face beamed, hoping that what he heard was right. That Danielle had V with her.

"Well... I've been meaning to tell you this," she played with her fingers, avoiding eye contact. "V isn't with me anymore," her voice was barely audible.

We still managed to catch that effortless. We were all frozen with shock by her statement. JIn looked like his dreams and hopes was all crushed into pieces and looked down. Krista and I both looked dumbfound by this newfound information. While I was still stammering, finding the right words to response, Krista stood up.

"Where is he? Weren't you supposed to be taking care of him?" Krista's voice cracked at the end. I could see tears forming in her eyes.

" We trusted you to keep V save!" Krista yelled once again before storming out. Levi quickly followed her.

"I just thought... that maybe if I gave V, my friends would come back..." she squeaked.

"Why on Earth would your friends come back if you gave away V?" I yelled.

"I uh... have another confession..." she scratched the back of her head. Her eyes darting to Jin and guilt were written all over her face. "I'm so sorry Jin, but this information is helpful. My friends are actually the kidnappers. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner, I was only trying to protect them," Dani was profusely apologising to Jin.

"It's okay," Jin said in a cold demeanour. "Now that I've thought about it, I think I heard them mentioning about a road trip. You know anything about this?" his cold eyes were on Dani.

Dani slowly nodded, and looked at me for encouragement. I nodded and signalled her too continue.

"Well, we were planning an around the world trip. We had a few countries in mind, seven in total. It might be fitting that each member was in one of the countries we planned on going. Even if we did go to each country, I doubt I can pinpoint the exact location of their possible hideout," Dani scratched her chin.

"Sounds good enough for me," I smiled at Dani. She slowly replied my smile with a small.

"Whatever. I want you to try and think of their possible location before we leave tomorrow," and with that Jin exited my room.

I left Dani in my room and tried catching up with Jin. Out of breath, but I finally managed it. Catching my breath, I pulled Jin's sleeve.

"Wait up! Are you okay?"

There was a pause. Jin slowly turned around, not completely facing me. A gasp escaped my mouth when I saw his expression. His eyes were red and had tears in them and he was frowning. He slowly shook his head, answering my question.

"No, how can I? That girl had the information we needed to find them, but she kept it all to herself? How can she be so selfish?" His tears slowly rolled down his cheek.

I couldn't bear to see him this broken. Losing his friends had a really big impact on him. So, instead of letting him cry his eyes out, I did the only thing my mind had been thinking, the only thing I see sensible enough to do at the moment.

I hugged him.

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