Chapter 16

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Rachel's POV

Twirling my pasta on my fork, I glanced at the guy in front of me. He was literally wolfing down his food like some sort of animal. But then again, he is a snob. He must have noticed me staring, because he lifted his head to look at me. He gave me an angelic smile, despite all the food he had on his face. I couldn't help but smile in return.

"Isn't this delicious?" he said with his mouth full. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"You do realize this is a 5 star restaurant?" I raised an eyebrow to him. He nodded his head with wide eyes, like a little kid. Pointing my fork at him, I said "Well at least behave a little. You look like you haven't had a decent meal for a while."

He smirked at me and pointed his fork at me, like I did to him. "You didn't answer my question," he lowered his fork and continued eating. I huffed at his question and looked down at my spaghetti. 

Glaring at him, I finally replied, " Hate to admit it, but this food is quite good."

He grinned like an idiot. "Finally I get to witness you complimenting something. This is definitely a new achievement. I'm proud," he said while he ate.

"Not like I needed to compliment it anyway," I rolled my eyes. This guy was getting on my nerve. I couldn't even enjoy my meal in peace. I was about to eat again when something else decided to interrupt me.

My phone.

It vibrated in my pocket and I took it out. I was about to answer it when I heard a slight coughing and looked at Jhope, who just shook his head. "Where are your manners? You're not supposed to be on your phone when dining," he said with a frown.

I rolled my eyes again at him. "Says the guy who eats like a pig," I glared at him. We had a short staring contest before I finally excused myself to the restroom. Jhope look at me in disapproval as I went, and went back to eating. I grunted and cursed under my breath.

What the hell was wrong with that guy? Can't he just leave me alone?

In the restroom, I quickly answered the call. I instantly regretted that when my eardrum was greeted with a loud scream.

Me: What the hell, Krista?

Krista: You're asking me what the hell? You've been dining with Jhope when we have a mission to complete! I can't-

Levi: Let me handle this Krista. Listen, Rachel. We're just here to remind you to be careful. We think he might a little bit psychotic.

Me: Wow. I didn't think you guys would be calling to tell me to be careful.

Krista: Actually we don't. I care about Jhope, not you. Get your facts right. All I'm saying is that youre-

Levi: KRISTA! I told you to behave.

Krista: Whatever. Just get Jhope here.

I quickly pressed the end call button on my phone and restrained myself from throwing my phone out of frustrations. I would rather be in the accompany of that snobbish boy than that asshole Krista any day. Taking deep breathes, I reminded myself to keep my calm posture. Looking at the mirror, I frown at my reflection. My hair was a mess, a result from my frustration, and face red from anger.

I sighed softly, Turning on the tap, I splashed water, hoping to cool myself down a bit. I looked at my phone was again. Annoyed, I turned off both my phone and my wristwatch, our emergency communication device.

Try doing the mission yourself and see what happens.

My grip on the sink was strong, making my knuckles turn white from the lack of blood. Krista was always making me so irritated and frustrated. Who the hell does she think she is? Bossing me around like she's leader of this whole mission.

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