Chapter 12

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Rachel's POV

"We're taking a trip on our favorite rocket ship~" Dani started singing.

"Flying across the world high in the skies~" Jin joined in.

I huffed in annoyance and quickly covered my ears with my hands. Glaring at those two who were currently singing their heads off, I sat at the far end of the jet and tried my best to ignore the duet. I try writing on my notepad, but no success because Jin and Dani's singing was making me crazy.

"Can't you guys be serious for once?" I exploded.

They both quiet down and stared at me. Exchanging looks, Dani looked at me disapprovingly and continued to sing. Jin followed her straight away and my temporary peace now ended.

"She has a point though. We should all be going over our plans again and not singing our heads off," Levi glares at Dani and Jin, who both cowered in fear and quickly shuts their mouth.

I let out a sigh of relief, happy to have my peace at last. Krista quickly put down a hologram map, which I then used to zoom in on a red dot in Hollywood.

Where V is.

I looked at Dani and she quickly nodded, taking out her iPad. She connected it to a giant screen we have conveniently in the plane. She showed us the flooring plan of a house. Taking out a laser pointer, she started to brief us lightly about our plan.

"As planned, me and Jin will enter the front door. Jin will act as the bait so my friends would think I'm siding with them and then we-" Dani was interrupted.

"We're using Jin as bait or is he going to be a victim too?" I questioned.

Jin squeezed my shoulder and gave me a look. Giving me a small smile, he whispered to me telling me that he and Dani had already talked about this. I nodded as a response, not questioning his decision. However, I pursed my lips, feeling uneasy by the thought of them being rather close these past few days. Forcing myself to focus on the mission, I try ignoring my thoughts and listened to Dani.

"Hopefully as we planned, me and Jin will be dragged to where they are hiding V. After that, we get out of there," Dani gave a sweet smile.

"Sounds too easy," I shot back.

"Well, everything might not happen as we plan. That's why we already came up with a few backup plans, just in case," Dani looks at her clipboard.

"So, you're saying Jin might end up as a victim in this?" I raised an eyebrow.

"There is a possibility," Dani hid behind her clipboard.

"If that happens, I'm prepared," I crossed my arms and smile at Jin.

He looks at me bewildered. "You want me dead?"

"Of course, in my dreams," I let out a laugh.

Jin and I continue our playful bickering, until Krista and Levi both had to stop us. With an annoyed face, Krista gave me a robotic spider and told me to do my part. Scratching the back of my neck, I stood in front of everyone while holding my newest invention to help us on our mission. The robotic spider would be controlled manually by me to retrieve the much needed pendrive.

"How about V and Jin? What would they do after we get the pendrive?" Dani glanced at Jin.

"Don't worry about that, Dani. I'm sure those two would do fine on their own in Hollywood," I smirked at Jin, who just glared at me.

We all burst into fits of laughter when we saw the look on Jin's face, priceless. When our laughter finally stopped, Krista started talking about our mission again. She said she came prepared for poison and took out two paperbags of delicious looking cookies. With a huge grin on her face, she tossed the cookies filled paperbags to Jin.

"These babies would last you guys for a week. It's good for one day each. Whenever you have poison in your system, you would automatically throw up so the poison will get out," Krista explained.

Everyone proceeded to compliment Krista on her good thinking. However, someone was not happy with the attention Krista was getting. Standing beside her, Levi let out an audible cough to get everyone's attention.

"I helped her bake them," Levi told everyone.

"Go away!" Krista playfully pushed Levi. He returned the act to Krista, with a little extra force, making her fall down.

"Okay, can we all get serious now? Back to the topic. Based on my observation, V is having as much freedom as he can as a prisoner over there. However, I doubt those girls are nice enough to leave V just like that. I'm sure they did something to him," Dani explained.

"And I have to deal with that?" Jin groaned.

"That's why you're the victim," I slapped his back softly. "You'll be doing the exact same thing V has to go through. Eating the same meal, doing the same daily routine and whatever there is to do," I continued. Jin just groaned in reply.

Levi's stern voice interrupted my fun when he announced we would be landing soon. Jin was still complaining about his job while we all laughed at him. We were just about to land when Krista came back, with a big bag.

"Well, good luck team!" She huffed as she placed the big and heavy bag on the table. "But before that, your gadgets," She smiled.


Author's Note

Sorry for the short Chapter. We'll make it up in the next one, which hopefully would be up soon.

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