Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Milyon walked into Shy’s room with an outfit in her hand and a black La’Perla panty and bra set covering her assets. Shy’s door was slightly ajar, so Milyon pushed it open.

“Where you at, Shy?” Milyon called out, walking into the room. Shy backed out of her walk-in closet and poked her head out of it. “What?” Shy answered.

Milyon walked over to the doorway of her closet, holding a skirt and top that she’d bought from a boutique.  She held it up for Shy to see, “Should I wear this?” Milyon asked, pressing the top up against her chest and trying to do the same with the skirt but she couldn’t keep both straight. Shy looked, she already had a dress on but was looking for a pair of shoes to match.

Shy replied, “With what shoes?” Milyon shrugged.

Shy looked harder, grabbing a shoe box from the back of her closet, “Um, you got some black heels? Don’t you?” Shy asked.

Milyon thought about it for a moment. She had so many clothes and shoes now then she’d ever had before in her life, it was hard to remember. “Y-yea, I do. I think… let me go look.” Milyon said, leaving the room.

Carti, Milyon, Mace, and Shy were all going out to this nightclub ‘V’, Migo’s was supposed to be there, and they were going to let loose. None of them were fans of the group but just needed to go have some fun. They all hadn’t been out in a while, since before Mace got shot and then Milyon being kidnapped, they just hadn’t been thinking about it. Now that shit seemed to be going smooth, they felt it was okay.

Carti was the only one who was skeptical, it took for Milyon to plead with him a few times and he finally gave in. Carti was still on alert and felt like anybody could be watching… waiting for them to get too comfortable.

In the business Mace and Carti were in, there was no telling who wanted their heads. Carti was the brain of him and Mace, and was the head of their operation. Mace liked to party, and fuck with plenty bitches, and most of all, Mace was quick to pop off. Carti didn’t think he was sloppy, he just wasn’t cautious enough.

Carti had only one weakness at this point… Milyon. Milyon was his kryptonite and he just couldn’t shake her. She had this effect on him, the way her eyes glistened when she looked at him, the way she couldn’t keep a straight face around him for too long, and the way her curves were so perfectly proportioned. He couldn’t seem to fall free of her spell.

Carti was in love. This, he would probably never admit but he was. This girl would be the death of him and he fuckin’ knew it. Before Milyon had come along, he showed no one his goofy side, he rarely smiled, and he damn sure didn’t tell anybody his business. Carti told Milyon everything. Carti told her about his father passing away, and his mother committing suicide, and how his uncle was in jail and probably never getting out. Milyon was shocked, and would have never thought that his father was a lawyer… a damn lawyer.

When the girls were finally ready, Mace and Carti had been ready long ago. Carti was waiting in Mace’s apartment which was a few floors up from Milyon’s and Shy’s. The girls knocked on the door, and Mace went to answer it, he put the game of 2k13 that he and Carti had been playing on pause. Mace already knew who was at the door, he opened it. The girls came strutting in, like they owned the world.

He smacked his lip, “Finally… shit. What the hell do y’all be doin’? Putting on some clothes that barely even cover ya’ ass shouldn’t take that fuckin’ long.” Mace complained. He was so impatient.

Milyon rolled her eyes, “Whatever, Mace. Shut yo’ ass up and turn that whack ass game off.” Milyon replied. She and Shy stood in the living room, waiting for their dates to hurry up so they could leave. Carti was still sitting on the sofa, his legs cocked open, and his head resting on the back of the sofa.

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