Agraphia (n.)

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Keith had writer's block.

And it wasn't your run of the mill writer's block either. Keith legit could not write. "You have writer's block", Shiro told him for the hundredth time. 

"For the last time, I do not", Keith told his brother at the dining table.

"He has writer's block", Shiro muttered to Matt, their family friend.

I mean it wasn't like Shiro was completely wrong. Keith had barely passed his first semester writing final, and he hadn't written a single word over the break.

"How much longer are you gonna deny it?" Matt asked, "school starts tomorrow and Mr. Sennar isn't gonna be as lenient this year". 

Keith sighed, Matt was right. Matt was always right. His writing had taken a serious downfall over the course of the semester, and if it wasn't for his creative writing teacher's blatant favoritism, he would have definitely failed.

But, Keith was talented. He had always come through with his writing before. And he was sure he could come through now, even with his brain more stumped than ever.

He wished his brother and Matt goodnight, and headed to bed. He hoped his first day back at college would be okay. He sighed, letting the night wash over his restless mind, and hoped for the best.

Please, Keith prayed, just no surprises...


Hey everyone! My name is Tan and I absolutely adore Klance and so I thought, why not write a fic? This is my first actual fanfiction so I apologize for any cringe, cliches, and other embarrassing speech that this story might include lmao
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story and stay a while, I'll do my best to update as often as possible! Thanks! ~Tan ♡

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