Chapter 13: Don't get your hopes up

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It was time to relax outside in the sun after messing around with Jimin earlier. You got your favourite drink beside you on the table and a book you been dying to read. You reclined back on your chair ready to start your book. You started to read while feeling the blaze of the heat from the sun. You were about to dose off from reading when all of a sudden it became cold and the area around you became dark. You slightly shaded your face with your book so you could see who it was blocking your sun.

It was Kim Taehyung.

"Hello beautiful, looking cosy there in your chair." smiled Taehyung.

You grabbed a cushion from the chair next to you and threw it at him.

"Aye, your blocking my sunlight thank you very much." you replied back.

But instead of dodging the cushion he let it hit him. He slowly made his way towards you and sat on the chair next to you. You felt a bit awkward with him staring at you and not saying or doing anything. So you tried to make conversation with him.

"Why are you just sitting there and not doing or saying anything?" you asked curious.

"Why not, you are a beauty to look at and I can't help myself when I see you." Taehyung replied back casually.

Then suddenly a hand came out of no where and slaps Taehyung across his head. You couldn't help but laugh at the incident even though it looked and sound painful. Taehyung moved slightly to see who hit him.

To no surprise it was Yoongi.

"Are you trying to get ahead with her or make her feel awkward, which ever it is just stop she not interested." blurted out Yoongi.

Taehyung looked hurt by that sentence and made a pouty face at Yoongi.

Yoongi came up next to you and sat down on the same chair as you. He wrapped his arms around you. You felt a bit shy and had butterflies running around your body.

"See, if you can make her feel like that just wrapping my arm around her it means you have something that she likes." Yoongi stated out with all his swagness.

You couldn't help but get annoyed with Yoongi attitude. You didn't like Yoongi cockiness it just reminded you of Jungkook. That thought sent shivers down your spine.

"Well if you think your that good at making me weak in the legs, lets see how you do when I return the favour." you snapped back annoyed.

Both Yoongi and Taehyung looked at you confused.

You got out of Yoongi grip and laid him up against the chair as you got yourself on top of him. You started to nuzzle his neck making him grip the arms of the chair. You giggled at him when his body tensed whenever you touched him. You got close to his ear and whispered.

"I thought you were different from all of them. If your going to use me like a toy you don't deserve my attention." you whispered.

You licked the side of his ear and bit it as you pulled away from him. The look on his face was priceless. He was not expecting your reaction at all. You got off him and started to walk away from Yoongi and Taehyung. But you stopped in your track and turned back to the boys. You laid your hand on Taehyung shoulder and leaned in closer to him.

"Oh Taehyung don't look so glum about what Yoongi is capable off. Don't forget you had me first and you still hold an effect on me even though I don't show it." you mentioned out loud so Yoongi could hear.

You kissed Taehyung on the cheek and walked off.

As you walked off towards the door for your house you could see someone working out at the side of your eyes. At first you thought it was Jungkook but when you turned to check you could see it wasn't him at all. It was the forever sunshine Hoseok.

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