Vision 2

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Running this time in the sunlight, However, I felt like I was in the dark. All the thoughts of the blast, the blood, the mixed blood and sweat entering my mouth. Letting my mind drift with thirst and hunger. 

I finally looked behind at the blast that was now miles away. It seemed like no one was following me. I didn't want to take that chance though, I started to run against the burn of my legs. I was in no state to stop again I needed to get home, find my brothers, hide or something. The blood,  I think I would have vomited right then and there if it wasn't for the fact the gates were closed. I could have ran to the city and seek shelter, or had a chance to get help from anyone there but I knew the rules, the laws about an attack. Lock up, seal shut, quiet sounds, and make no movement if they got in. Who? That was never answered for me, or anyone I knew.

Once I reached the house gates I noticed something was off. No one was at the gates to let us in. Did everyone leave when we leave? Was this what they did when I left to the city?

"Someone better be home." Grunting as I push the gates open myself.

I ran towards the door not looking back or waiting for whatever to catch me. I ran inside and down the stair to the maid's rooms. Nothing and no one was where I thought they would be. I started to panic, where was everyone. Once I made it to the top of the stairs I saw someone there standing in all black. It was not the uniform that we are supposed to wear it must have been my brother. He must have come home while we were driving to the city. I started up the stairs caution with every steps.

"Elijah, is that you?... Ellis?" I said as I made my way up. He slowly turned his body, with such ease and fluid motion to face me and that was all I need to scream.

Those red eyes and the blood running down from his mouth to his clothes, staining everything and not caring. I lost control of my body and vomited over the railing of the stairs finally. He just stood there watching me, analyzing me. I was frozen in place watching the blood drip from his chin and his red bloodshot eye staring back at me. He was waiting for my next reaction and I had none to give.

" Are you the one." He said with a deep sexy voice. I try hard to deny that feeling, that instinct to curl my fingers around his neck and let him speak to me again.

"I do not know who you are looking....for, but for your own good you should leave before the city guard come this way." Why did I say that! It's like my mind and voice didn't connect. I looked him in the eye and with a flash, he was in front of me. The quick movement was not registering in my mind because now the smell of blood was all I could think of.

" You are the gifted one that we have been looking for. Princess and soon to be Queen of our clan" He said with all seriousness looking at my face with such power. I couldn't move, I was lost in his red eyes.

Before I could even answer him something went flying right in between us. I let out a whimper backing away from him and saw my brother Ellis. He was there with a gun in one hand and a knife in another. He was covered in blood and to say he was happy to see us was not even the slightest feeling I got. I was scared inside and moving was hard when I just stared into those red eyes, smelling the blood coating him.

"Claire please do not move. I will get you when I'm done with him." Ellis said with clarity and authority in his voice. He move slowly ajusting the knife in his hands.

"You will not take her away from us again! You nearly killed her last time, we are taking her back to her family!" The tall man in front of me said. I scrunched up my nose in confusion of his words and wanted to let a question out. 

All I felt was another hand on my shoulder and everything went black. I could only hear the gunshots and smell the blood. 

"Claire, when I tell you,  move back down the stairs and into the kitchen." The man said holding me steady so I would move not to fall down. 

I nodded my head in agreement and followed him back down. He sounded like Elijah however it was slightly different, darker. I didn't question him. I just started to back away from the fighting, I needed to get away from the blood now coating my senses.

As we entered the kitchen it was light that was now blinding me instead of the dark. As I adjusted to the light my mind clicked. The blood and mangled body of the maids were all over the kitchen. I screamed and vomited on the floor to my right. I couldn't hold it anymore the smell was too metallic and full of iron. It almost was an appetizing smell and that confused me more. I shook my head to snap out of it. Just then I realized the man was standing in the doorway to the outside. He looked at me with ease and authority, almost holding me to attention.  

"Claire, I'm your brother friend. He told me to get you out of here if there was trouble." He said while reaching his hand out. I saw no blood on him, he was clean of everything just as it should be.

"If you are who you are, then what element was my brother researching?" I asked only to clarify.

He looked at me with tempting eyes and answered as if I was a stupid girl for doubting him.

 "That is for the leaders to know and for you to never ask." 

Good answer I thought. Then it was the gunshot that took me out of the gaze I was in. Ellis was now behind me aiming right at the man. He was covered in blood and some of it looked his own.

"Claire come this way and get behind me." Not leaving his eye off the man he held out his hand so I could grab it. 

I started to walk towards him only to stop right in the middle of the kitchen. Something had caught my eye and as soon as I turned to look I was down on the floor. I stopped and trembled saying "Ellis they... th...NOOOOOOO!" Hot tears ran down my face. I was sitting in a pool of blood, only to be covered more by it. The smell filled my nose and body, my mouth went dry. I lost control and did what I didn't except my body to do. I bit into my arm, I tasted my own blood and drank it. It tasted like roses and lavender but with a coat of iron. Ellis was at my side pulling me off myself. I couldn't hear what he was screaming. It was loud in my head, so much ringing. 

Then as if the last thing I thought would happen he shot at me! Ellis really shot me! I looked up and saw him crying. My big emotionless brother was crying for me. I looked at him and saw that he didn't just shot at me he used his knife to stab me on my right thigh. I didn't feel much pain, but the hunger and thirst now was growing, My body became my own.

"Why did you do that?" I couldn't stop myself, I just kept crying. I didn't care if that man was still there or not. I couldn't stop myself from crying over everything that was happening. All the dead bodies the pool of blood I was sitting in and the fact my brother did not hesitate to shot and stab me put fear in my heart.

" We need to get you to safety and control your outburst" Ellis said that while wiping tears and blood from his cheeks. I turned to face him and nodded "I can't move, Ellis I.." my head felt so much pressure and I finally lost it. I collapsed into my brother's arms and fell asleep, letting the darkness take over.

My nightmare was vivid and clear this time. This time there was some light, I felt cold and smelled lavender all around me. There was no blood this time, only cold. I felt a pair of arms carry me while I laughed...

Thank you, everyone, for viewing my story. This is just a story I had kept up in my mind for every long time just wanted to get it out there and see what it could bring.

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