Vision 20

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"It has to one or the other. Answer me!" Trying to control my anger and composure was hard.
I wanted to open the cell and grab him by his collar. How dare he ignore me. Frustrated that I couldn't control the situation or that person, I almost wanted to shot them.

"Answer her highness. This will be the last time you get to."

Avett was not taking any chances, he knew I was unable to control my anger. He had his arm around my waist thinking that was helping. I needed more than his arm holding me back. The lump of a person started to move. He was slow, but have been poisoned. As he made his way to face towards us I really couldn't make out his face. It had been beaten to a pulp.

"Claire? Are you Claire from the city of glass. Elijah's and Ellis sister. The one we.." he coughed and it might seem like blood but it wasn't. It was a strange purple color. I turned to Avett with a confused face. He shrugged.

"Yes, I am. However, I am not their sister."

"Right, right. Ellis has a massage. He said if you want to release your memories all you have to do is bring a knife to your neck where the three lines are. Insert it gently until you start feeling a tingling. Once you have push past it then you will unlock everything they hid from you."

"How do we know you're not lying! You could lead us to kill her!"

Of course, Avett thought the worse. He didn't want to put any sharp object inside me.

"How am I able to know you work for the leaders? You obviously must hold the mark?"

I gave him security in that question. Everyone bares a mark when you are working for the leaders. It's Not a big one but it's something. They never needed to draw blood When entering or leaving the city. Ellis was always too busy reading his books to even look up at the guards.

He gave me a look. Was I not to know about that. He then lifted his sleeve and I saw it. The mark of the leaders. His was big and took over his upper arm. I was shocked, I've never seen it that big.

"Everyone can choose what mark they want. I wanted something that Stood out."

"Not like you can wear clothing to show it off."

"Just do what I told you. Leave now, this is no place for a princess."

"Why are you being so kind?"

"Because Ellis is a good friend and to see him lose hope over you is not what I want."

"Thank you for caring for him."

I lingered to see if there was anything more. He didn't seem to have more to say to we turned down the hall. He was no threat, why would my family be against me seeing him. Once we made it to the door he called out.

"Beware princess! Once you unlock your memories you will not only see the truth but change yourself!"

I looked at Avett and told him with my eyes this was our choice. Once we opened the door and walked out my whole family was there. Everyone! Mother and father were crying, my sisters were mad, Gianni was worried but Matteo was stone and calm. Nothing is ever going to shake him out of whatever his in.

"What did he tell you? Are you leaving us?" Father was thinking of all the wrong stuff. He was worried my ties with that family was strong.

"No father, I'm not leaving. But he did explain how to unlock my memories."

"What! Why now of all this time." Matteo was angry. We looked at him and had the same questions. Why was he the angriest of the group?

"Matteo is there something you need to tell me. Something you hiding."
I called him out because I swear I was the only one feeling that way towards him. He looked at me and shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry I overreacted."
I didn't leave my eyes off him. He was off, he wasn't the same when I first came to the castle. I should find out soon.

"Avett let go, I already made up my mind. I will unlock my memories and will tell you everything about my kidnapper." I took Avett's hand and made my way past my family. Matteo's eyes were dark. He knew something.

Once we were out of ear shot I mind-link Avett. I wanted to be sure we weren't being heard.

Avett now do you think Matteo is hiding something!

Yes, he reacted to strongly about your memories. I will find out more but right now are you sure you can handle this.

Yes, you will be with me so I know I'll be fine.

He nodded in an agreement. He was never going to leave me. We made to the family corridor and I started to get cold feet. I was thinking about all the what ifs!

"My love, we don't have to just now."

"Hemp, yes we do. If we wait any longer we might be at war. Or worse I'll be kidnap."

He sighed and took my hand. We walked to our room and got ready for whatever was to happen. Avett got a knife that looked beautiful. He had a jewel at the end of it and it was silver and gold. There was writing on there but I didn't have time to worry about that. We went to the bathroom and I sat in the tub. If there was going to be blood we would need to be prepared. He had towels every where just in case. He had the knife in his hand ready to start. My hair was pulled into a bun and I wore only my underwear.

"Claire if it gets too painful I will pull it out." You have been though so much I can't stand you in more pain. Was what he wanted to add but didn't.

"I'm ready. I need my memories back."

He placed his hand at my neck. I shivered, not at his touch at what was going to happen. I felt the tip of the knife at the base of my neck.

I'll start now.

He slowly inserts the knife and I felt it slick right through. I waited for that feeling to come. After what felt like an hour I felt it. The tingles started spreading all over my body. It was strong and powerful. 

It's there!

He pushed one more time and it felt like a wave of ice cold water was on me. I saw everything flash before my eyes. From my childhood to the lasts day my memories were taken. Tears flowed down my face I was not in pain but I saw everything. I finally remember everything. 

Whispering SnowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin