Vision 23

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In light of the news and my new abilities, father was skulking around the castle in lose of his firstborn son. He was not willing to give Avett the crown or believe his son was evil. Everything in my visions told me he was. It was deep within me, I have scars on my mind from the manipulation he did to me. It was not something that could be forgiven or forgotten.

Avett had been working overtime with the guards leaving me to my mind and thoughts. They were able to find Ellis and bring him back to the castle. He was badly injured and need recovery for weeks to come. I was finally was able to see him under strict order to have guards with me at which I rolled my eye in thinking he was not the enemy. Avett was too busy with military planning and preparing for another attack it was a perfect time to attend to my brother or whatever he is now.

Down in the guest corridor, I was able to get him the largest room and had his friend there to recoup. I visited from time to time. He wouldn't talk to me, but I would just sit there and read. His friend talked some time but would get a glare from Ellis from time to shut up. Asking how things were working with my mind. He was a researcher alright.

"Is everything alright? Do you both need anything more? I could get you anything within my power..."

"Claire we are fine. Better than the cell we were in."

Nico was his name. He was kind however the relationship between Ellis and I was thin.

"Ellis it would be nice to hear your voice again. Maybe next time. I have to get going, Avett is expecting m.."

"Do you love him?" Ellis finally spoke. It caught me off guard and so did Nico.

"I.. umm. You are speaking to me now."

"Do you love him!"

"Yes! I do. Ellis, he was with me during trying times. You have no idea what I went through this past year. We lost our child and then my powers came bac.."

"Child! You were with him!"

"Ellis, you know this. They are mated." Nico spoke for me. I didn't want to add more to his fire I stayed watching Ellis wondering when these feelings started.

"I'll come back soon. Get some rest." I stood up and walked out of their room. He was in love with me. I knew he was, I just didn't have the same feelings to return only confusion.

I walked to my room hoping Avett was there. Not surprised he wasn't; I've seen less and less of him and the last thing I wanted to do was bother him with my moods. I needed some rest, Ellis outburst took me for a surprise and the confusion of our relationship. I lay in bed hoping to drift but nothing was working. Maybe the twins were doing something fun I had to get my mind off things. I got out of the bed of my bed and walked over to the door knowing they were just down the hall I took my time. Of course, they were up to something, they were as bad as children and ice cream.

I saw Sienna hiding behind a corner down the hall and went to see what she was looking at. It was Gianni, he was sitting doing some writing. Also trying to our smart everyone but still was a child.

"Why are we watching Gianni?" I whispered at her. She jumped shocked and took me around the corner making sure we weren't seen.
"When did you get here?! I.." she turned the corner to see if he was still there. With a sigh almost disappointing, turns out he left.

"It was nothing, what did you need?"

" I was bored and thought you guys were up to something."

" Sorry sis, you can't be involved in this. Avett would not let you.. wait, where is he?"

"Bets me? He's somewhere in the castle but not where I can see him."

"Good! Let's go!" She pulled my arms and took me down the hall. This meant trouble but I needed something to get me distracted. 

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