Vision 29

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Avett was outside chopping wood. I was inside trying to cook. I was horrible in the kitchen. Our little son was on the floor playing with the wooden animal Avett craved out. We named him Leone Alisseo. He had my blond hair and Avetts clear blue eyes. He was sweet and relaxing to be around with. We already see his abilities come to light. He will tell us things before they happened. He was the prefect three year old I could have ever asked for.

"Avett! Can you bring in the meat?"

"Mommy, daddy is going to hurt himself." Leo usually gave a minute a head prediction. I ran outside to stop Avett from cutting wood. I was stronger than when we left the castle and Avett was twice his size. I stopped his arms from swinging. He looked at me confused.

"Leo said you were going to hurt yourself. I.. no blood outside." I whispered the last part in order to not scare Leo. We had to hide our blood out here. Giving birth was so hard for us. We needed to find a town three days away in order to have Leo. I was weak to travel but we had to.

"Our son will keep us safe from anything." We chuckled until I slipped on ice. We both ended up falling to the floor. I smelled blood instantly. Avett cut himself with the axe trying to catch me.

"Shit! Avett get inside fast. Burn all the clothes."
He got up and carried me to the fire place. He placed me on the floor and dressed his wound. He healed fast but we needed to hide it from Leo. He still wasn't aware what we were. Avett took the blood soaked shirt and toss it into the fire. I picked up Leo and made sure there wasn't blood lust. He never drank anyone's blood other than my own.

"I'm fine now, I'll just stay inside the rest of the day."

Seems he still can't explain how I will get hurt.

We both laughed and didn't realized the danger that could have put us in. It's been three years and no word from my family. We would hear news from the town folks. But nothing was sure enough.

Something felt wrong. Because it would be good news one day then bad the other. We were worried for our family. The war was long and we needed to make sure Matteo was never going to hurt Leo.

"My love, you need to get more cooking lessons from our neighbor." He tasted my stew and I had to agree. I was good at making people do what I wanted. So having someone doing all the cooking was easy.

We all sat at the table and just looked at the food. I felt bad not being able to cook for my family. Leo however was fine with my blood.
I fell to the floor and held my stomach. Our second attempt to have another child went horrible I lost the baby very early and I felt pain every now and then. If only my mother was here to tell me how to handle it. Avett had already scooped me up in his arms. Leo was by my side holding my hand. I must have hit my head because I knocked out fast.

I woke up with Leo next to me and Avett sleeping on the other side. I was warm between these two. I got up and moved leo on top of his fathers chest. Avett cradled him so he was safe. I went to the fire place to place more wood. I sat on the floor wishes to see my family again. Three years were long.

"Please let them be safe." I whispered into the fire. I felt it get warmer and knew Avett was awake. He learned to control fire now. I was able to control other objects now too. We were able to practice our abilities without any interference.

The wind was picking up and the snow most likely was going to cave us in for the rest of the month. I loved being alone with my little family. But something in the wind made me look out the window. There I saw a black shadow in the woods. I squint my eyes to see clearly. I wasn't alarmed because it could have been anything. We have been on false alarm before. It seem to be getting closer to the cabin. I backed away.

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