Chapter 1: New

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(Cody's Pov)

It was just another normal day in London. It was raining I pretty much hate it here, I can never surf and I'm stuck inside most of the time because of the rain,and cold weather it sucks. A loud scream came from my dads lab, his name is Brad, My mums name is Angie, I have a sister who's fifteen named Alli, and a nine year old brother Tom.
"Breakfast is ready Codes" I looked over to see my sister standing there.
"Not hungry" I mumbled. My father came up from the lab kissing my mum on the cheek.
"Come on Cody.." My dad said I sat there watching the news being that I couldn't find the remote.
"Listen I know you don't like it here but give it a chance. Elana
(Pronounced E-law-na ) was waiting for you.." I sighed walking past my dad sitting on the table when a plate appeared in front of me.

Elana is a vampire that was originally from London but came to Los Angeles where my dad caught her, she been with us for two years and we instantly became friends we are releasing her very soon though.
"We should go to France one day and see the Eiffel Tower Mum." Alli said trying to get a conversation going.
"We should go walk around town.."
"I want to ride on the  big red bus!!" Tom yelled I finished my plate quickly drinking my milk and put it in the sink.
"Where are you going?" Mum asked
"Going to talk to Elana"
"Make sure you-"
"Yes dad I know.." I walked towards the lab door and punched in the numbers,and the door unlocked.

I walked down going straight to her 'Cage' it really wasn't a cage but it was at the same time, more like a capsule . It's a anything proof glass container with a bedroom at the back. I ejected my self with vervain and pressed a small button so I can hear her speak and we can communicate.
"Elana?" she does not drink human blood she drinks animal. Soon she came up and a smile appeared on her face I entered her capsule and she wanted to play checkers.
"Your dad has a new toy if you have not heard" her British accent echoed I shook my head as I got one of her checkers.

"I didn't what is it?" She shrugged
"I'm not sure but I heard it scream last night and it woke me up I tried to see what was happening but I didn't see anything. Then it screamed a few moments ago.."
"Now I'm curious.." We laughed and played some games and started talking about London until I had to leave, so basically I spent the whole day with her.
"Bye Codes"
"Bye El" I shut the capsule and looked to find my dad writing something down.
"Hey I'm headed to bed.." I told him
"Alright ill be up in a bit I'm finishing this up" I nodded and made my way up the stairs putting on shorts and throwing my shirt over my head. I plugged my phone up and slipped into bed falling asleep.

Another howl came from down stairs it was two in the morning how could anybody sleep through this! Another short howl came after that followed my two more. I sighed realizing I couldn't sleep, at least I know what I'm up against. But how did my dad manage to get a wolf?

I entered the lab knowing I was not suppose to be here at night. I looked over to see one ticked off Elana, her eyes where red and her fangs where out. She saw me and pointed to the largest capsule. There where a few trees a rock and dirt I turned back to the rock to find a girl with brown hair and piercing green eyes, they where practically glowing. She was wearing a gold sparkling club dress with the back draped down very low. I walked up to the capsule and looked down at the notes my dad had taken.

Name: Cara Mason
Mood: Angry most of the time
Species: Werewolf
Gender: Female
Fur Color: White w/ black and brown mixed in lightly across her back, stomach, tail, legs. Has white belly. No other markings
Other Notes: Cara is very aggressive, stubborn, and does not like human contact, throws BIG tantrums, she doesn't like shots. Has to be shocked quiet often.

I checked on her food and water and there where to plates of steak one with human blood and one with animal. The animal was gone
"At least we no you aren't a threat." I said to myself filling up her water. I turned to look at her again (girl on the book cover)
I noticed she had a tattoo on her arm. I went to the cabinet and got a white tank top, jacket, and skinny jeans. I placed them inside and she looked at me and blinked, her eyes turned to normal, her eyes where hazel and were beautiful. She took the clothes and headed to the back room she was back in a flash she was at the front watching me closely. I turned on the button.

"Come in.." Her British voice was lovely, but I scoffed
"I'm not that stupid" she rolled her eyes and banged her head on the door.
"Please I want to show you something" I looked at her and she looked at me I couldn't say no. I injected my self with vervain again and had some wolfs bane on hand just in case. She stepped away and let me in once I was in I looked at her
"There I'm in wh-" I was pushed to the wall, I quickly pressed to shock button and she jerked back, trying to get it off. She looked at me
"What the hell?"
"Me?! What where you doing!?" I asked her eyes glowed again.
"Your my mate.."
"Your what?" I said as she stepped closer I stepped away from the wall.

"Mate.. You are my mate" she pounced on me taking me to the ground holding me down by the shoulders and she strong. She held my hand to where I couldn't get to the shock collar
"Mate" she mumbled in my ear as she shot off me laying on the ground getting shocked as I ran to the door. Alli was there. She probably just saved me, I looked over to Cara trying to get the shock collar off.

"What are you doing down here!?" We turned to find my dad and mum running over to us. The speaker was still on and Cara screamed loudly busting my eardrums she ran towards the glass running towards Alli she jumped and phased in mid air. Now in wolf form she ran towards us and she jumped onto the glass, and we backed away in terror.
She started scratching at the glass leaving claw marks, throwing a huge fit she was down on the ground again by being shocked by my dad she phased back breathing heavy.

But she got back up,banging on the glass yelling again, her eyes where red, and she tried getting to Alli once again. She stood face to face with Alli and screamed another pair of fangs came out. My dad was writing stuff down. Cara grabbed the empty plate and chucked it at the wall and it shattered. She looked at me and I quickly turned the speaker off so we didn't hear her scream. Elana was soon by my side with a gun.
"What are you doing!?" I asked her
"Relax Cody it's a tranquilizer" I looked around to she my mum holding Alli and Tom in shock at what this 'thing' just did...

It was soon over...Elana tranquilized her and she was now laying in human form 'sleeping'.
"What where you two doing in the lab in the first place?" My dad asked Alli and I
"I was-" Alli started
"I was in here alone because she would not stop howling! I came and she invited me in I injected my self with vervain and she attacked me I shocked her and then she attacked me again to where I couldn't get to the button and Alli shocked her. Then she threw this big fit.." I said He just nodded and went inside taking her blood.

I know this isn't like others where Cody is supernatural but I decided to change it.

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