Chapter 5: Kiss and Lessons

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(Cody's Pov)

I woke up in a bed with Cara cuddling beside me my hands around her. My wolf screamed mate, this was probably what she was talking about, I would realize that she is my mate after my transformation. Cara stirred in her sleep before opening her eyes she sat up he hair was barley in tangled,not messed up if at all.

"Did I wake you?" She asked I shook my head

"How do you feel?" She asked

" this heavy weight got lifted off my shoulders." She smiled and got of the bed walking towards the bathroom. I couldn't help but stare, her shorts where to short and her top showed of her stomach. I got up going into the closet changing, I walked back to find Cara taking off her shirt I didn't look though after she was done I walked up behind her. She stood in front of a mirror I saw my eyes change into a piercing green color and saw her smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist and noticed as she put a ring that looked like a promise ring on her wedding ring finger, it had a blue jewel on the top. She placed another ring on her middle finger, that was black with a red jewel on top. (The one back in chapter 3) Then slipped on another necklace that had a guys ring on it.

"You ready to go downstairs?" She asked I nodded.

(Cara's Pov)

I watched as Cody's eyes stayed green as I held his hand he kept his hand down as we walked through the dining room where everyone was eating I head a silverware collide with a plate.

"Hungry?" He shook his head

"I'm going out to the woods don't catch up!!" I yelled it was raining today.

"Don't you think we need an umbrella?" Cody asked as thunder roared through the sky. I shook my head and I was pressed against a tree, Cody's lips connected with mine roughly I moaned through the kissed as Cody griped my waist. I pulled away a little for air and he traded my lips for my neck. He was going to mark me. I felt his fangs come out and I pushed him back


"No. I don't want to be marked"

"You wanted to mark me just days ago!"

"I know but when the male mate is a human and gets turned he usually gets full predominance over the female. The female wont come off as strong any more because their mate is turned" He nodded and hugged me

"I'm sorry Angel.." I smiled as kissed his cheek I phased and he phased to his fully black wolf was tall my wolf stood out from him completely

'First Lesson. Territory

Know where your territory is if you meet another wolf you show dominance because you are mated with an Alpha. Here I will show you our boundary lines.'

'So how does all this work being a hybrid Alpha whatever..'

' it's not a whatever..many men would love to have your place as alpha and have a beautiful mate I will go over ever thing you need to know these next to weeks then you will fight my delta, Hunter and my beta Alex.'


'I know you don't like Hunter but forget about him'

'So since there is a Alpha Pair how many different pairs are there?'

'Well there's the Beta Pair which is Alex and Shelby. There can be a Delta Pair so three that are officially announced in the pack but a mate is like a pair. So Eleanor and Tyler they are a pair, since Tyler is my Lead Hunter they are called the Hunting Pair because Eleanor is also a hunter, understand now?'


We arrived at the boundary line it had a bare place as if a car had driven through here.

'This is the boundary that separates us and the Kaktow (ka-k-toew) Pack.'

'The Kaktow we have a name or something?' He asked

'Yes, other packs address us as 

' le pack de lune.'

'Thats French'

'Correct do you know the meaning?' He shook his head

"It means The Moon Pack when I was thirteen I ran off to France and met a pack who let me live, that's not always the case some will spare your life, some will capture you. Anyway I lived with them for two years-"

"You knew how to speck French?"

"Yes, my parents thought it was vital for me to learn. So I lived with them until I was fifteen they taught me how to live better as a wolf then they told me if I ever had a pack to choose that name."

'Did they know you where a hybrid?'

'No. I hid it very well but they did become suspicious a few times...'

We walked to the other end. The width of our territory.

I phased and so did Cody.

"This is the corner" he said I nodded

"the clearing tells u when we cannot go any further, but it important to know when it becomes winter."

"So this is two territory's one over here and the other over there?"

"Yeah the one on the Right is the Fallen's or le pack tombé which is French. On the Left is our neighboring pack, The Water Pack most of the river is over on that territory."

"Do we not have another neighbor" I shook my head

"that can be claimed as anyone's. we should head back it's getting late we have several miles to walk until we get to the pack house." He nodded and slipped my hand in mine.

"Alpha Cara!" I turned to see the Water Packs alpha Andrew.

"Alpha Andrew" I walked to the end of the territory.

"Alpha this is Cody my new mate." Cody waved I hit him in the shoulder

"Your supposed to say their rank and name." I whispered in his ear He ohhed

"Alpha Andrew." He stuck his hand out and I face palmed I grabbed his hand and put it to his side.

"I'm sorry Alpha he's new he turned yesterday." He nodded

"I would like for you to visit our territory Alpha Cara, tonight right now I would love for you to join us.

"As you wish. I will meet you here shortly." He nodded I grabbed Cody's hand and ran vampire and werewolf speed to the pack house I was there in minutes I left Cody at the door and looked at my appearance grabbing my leather jacket and putting it over my purple tank top.

"Alex!!" He stood

"I've been invited into The Water Packs territory, I'm not sure how long I will be gone but I need to you watch over the pack."

"As always" I nodded and kissed Cody quickly

"Alex watch out for Hunter and Cody.." I said before shutting the door and running into the forest.


Short...yeah I know....

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