Chapter 13: Flashbacks

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Shane,Alex and I walked through the forest hoping to find some big game. We heard rustling and I yanked them into a nearby tree and watched from below as a tanned skin boy, with light brown hair. He stopped and sat down on the grass and leans against the tree, I noticed he had multiple cuts he couldn't be more then eight. His blood was Hybrid blood

"What are we doing?" Shane whispered

"He's a hybrid" I jumped down he stood as everyone else jumped down

"Who are you!?" He asked

"Do you have a name boy?" I asked He nodded

"I'm Hunter."

"I'm not going to hurt you Hunter and I know what you are, I know what it's like to have a hunger that cannot be tamed. I know the pain of being of the age six, and going through transformation. I also know what it's like to be alone and feel alone." I walked up to him and wiped the hair out of his eyes, he flinched at my touch.

"Where do you hail from??" Shane asked

"Here. I came from the Castle, Sir Damian on the Princes killed my mother then-"

"You where beat" I answered for him he nodded.

"How old are you Hunter?" I asked

"Eight" I nodded holding my hand out he took it I smiled before Shane wrapped his arm around my waist.

We went shopping for new clothes to fill a full closet. He was in the shower and we where in the kitchen drinking blood.

"Why did you take him in?" Alex asked

"Because he reminded me as myself I didn't want him to go through what I did."

"You have to much on your case-"

"I'm dead remember? The Clave and The Princes think I'm dead. Marcel is dead, and I don't even know where Matthew is. Tell me Alex, have you ever experienced the pain we go through?" He looked at me

"Your the one who changed me." He said coldly

I turned around and Shane tried grabbing my waist but I pushed him away running up the stairs.

(Hunter Age Ten)

"Well done Hunter" I said after our lesson about hybrids. I shut the book and placed on the desk and going towards my computer.

"So what was it like?" Hunter asked, I stopped typing and turned my focus to him

"What do you mean?"

"You where the Queens daughter, then you ran..what was it like to be alone in the forest.." I smiled at him and motioned for him to come beside me. Once I did I picked his up putting him on the desk walking to the book shelf looking for a book.

"I left the castle when I was eight, in the middle of my ceremony. I was to be the official queen at fourteen and when I found my mate. I-"


"It's a soul mate that you will love forever the mate ship begins when your sixteen, it's like a girlfriend" he nodded

"Anyway I walked the street with no training, at the age of six we turn so I had two years of training in me and it was small training like self defense. I ended up being a killer because I could not control my thirst, until a vampire man brought me under his wing for five years."

"Why only five? Did he not love you?" I smiled a little

"No. I ran away because they figured out I was the princess. I fled to France afterwards and became apart if a werewolf pack and somehow I'm here." He smiled I grabbed his hand and helped him down and we walked into the kitchen to find Shane shirtless.

"You ready Hunter?"

"Yeah! Let me go get different clothes on." He said before he ran up the stairs

"What was that about?" I asked leaning counter. He approached me and put his body very close to mine.

"We are working out" he said before he rubbed our noses together and pressed his lip on mine.

Our kiss had gotten heated, he pushed against me causing me to moan through the kiss. I pushed back and he smirked his hands traveled down my body lingering at my butt.

"Jump" he mumbled through the kiss, he picked up placing me on the counter. My hands tangled in his hair while his went under my shirt moving his hands up and down my bare back.

"Okay cut it out get a room especially if your going to mate." He pulled away and found Alex and Ty.

"Oh we just might, I don't know how long ill be able to resist not taking her clothes if tonight." I blushed

"Hunter will have to leave tonight then." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Why? He has to know the nature of mating."

"He's not going to learn about mating by Shane and I. Plus I teach the girl about mating, Shane teaches the guys."

"Will take him to a hotel or something"

"Where did he go anyway he was just changing his clothes."

"Oh yeah he's not coming he's taking a shower." I nodded grabbing shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

"So you want to get drunk for tonight?" Shane said suggestively

"No I just want a little.." He smiled

"What where you and Hunter going to do anyway?"

"Punching,lifting weights,ab-"

"Your going to let a ten year old lift weights?"

" have abs and muscles to get the lady's.." He winked at me before we headed to the living room to see hunter and the rest of the pack.

"Anyone seen Victoria?"

"Why you need protection?" The guys laughed except Hunter.

(Hunter age Nineteen)

"You've grown so much.."

"I know.." Hunter was now an adult, he had killer abs like Shane, his hair that had reached his eyes had now been cut into a quiff. His tanned skin had grown a little lighter, he was taller then me by three inchs he was about Shane's height. Any girl would be lucky to have him.

"I'm going to the cafe in town so if you need me I'm there." I nodded and signed after he left, I felt arms snake around my waist

"He's growing fast." I nodded

"Like an earthquake the crack gets bigger and bigger" he smiled kissing my neck.

" lets go make our own earthquake up stairs." I laughed and let him pull me up the stairs...

A few hours later Shane and I where back down stairs because of yelling.

"What happened?" Alex came up from the cellar where Hinter screamed I ran towards it but held me back.

"Stop. His mate declined the mateship, he's going through an extreme amount of pain and his wolf is eager to have a mate to..uh.. Satisfy their wants." He coughed Shane grabbed me I stood shocked as another scream came from down stairs it broke my heart

"I know you raised him but its his turn to fight his own battles now." Alex said I slid down the wall in front of the door as chains rattled and a cry came out for me. I stood up turning the handle, but Shane dragged me to our room again. I collapsed him his arm crying for Hunter.

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