Chapter 7: Story Of Her Life...

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(Cara's Pov)

Cody had woke me up while he was in the shower, I decided to go ahead and get up. I slipped on skinny jeans and a white long sleeve shirt and a hot pink tank to got under it. I slipped on white flats and found Cody waiting by the back door.

"I have something for you."

"You didn't have to..."

"Yeah or you couldn't train." I held my hand out and a dayring in my hand, I put it on his pointer finger.

"It feels weird." I laughed pecking his lips

"Of course it will for now but you have wear all time." I nodded and looked at my shoulder

"Your apart of the pack no matter who or what tells you different."

"I'm sorry for the other night."

"It's okay..lets finish your training" Cody was making quick progress.

"Lesson Six: Be aware of your surroundings." I turned to him. He raised his hands

"What is that suppose to mean?" Suddenly he was knocked to the ground by Alex.

"Your the first to land on you back. Never land on your back its harder to get up during a fight." Alex gave him a hand and he took it.

"Rule Number One: make sure you know everything that goes around you someone could sneak up on you" and with that Danny pounced on Cody making Cody stumble but grab him and thrown him off.

"Really?" He look at me I shrugged Alex and Danny started play-fighting and Cody and I went up to our room I sat down on the floor leaning against the back of my bed, I looked at Cody and he sat beside me.

"You look hot all sweaty..." I told him as he rubbed our noses together, he wasn't pouring buckets of sweat it was a little bit

"Are we done? I could really use a shower cause I'd hate to get my girlfriend all sweaty" he said hugging me I squealed

"Cody!" He rolled onto his back and I went to kiss him but he rolled us over.

"Nice try Angel but better on top" he smirked evilly at me

"That's disgusting." He smiled and kissed me I smiled and kissed him back leaning into the kiss making him deepen it. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he picked me up I was placed onto the bed with him hovering over me. We made-out heavily his shirt being ripped of in the process. He traded my lips for my neck searching for my sweet spot, I bit my lip hiding a groan. His started nibbling and sucking on the same spot and a moan escaped my lips.

"Found it" he mummred against my neck he continued to suck roughly on it before I felt his fangs against my skin, I quickly brought his lips back to mine and we flipped I pulled away.

"You might be better on top but since I'm the girl I get a say in what we do and don't do and u say no marking." I got of of him and he pulled me back into his lap

"Come on, please?" I shook my head he sighed.

"Once you take a shower we can cuddle,talk, maybe more.." I said nibbling on his ear.

"Babe you can't do that to a man."

"Do what?"

"Say that we might do something more then disappoint him.."

"Just go take a shower." He smiled kissing my forehead before he went of into the bathroom after getting his clothes. I walked into the closet taking out booty shorts and a tank top I quickly changed and headed downstairs.

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