Chapter 2: Friends

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(Cody's Pov)

I grabbed a couple werewolf information books from the self and went to my room once again. I saw it was already four in the morning so I decided to read the books.

Werewolf's are different from and original wolf. Their wolf stands at around 5'10 to 6'5. Some are very sociable, while some tend to hate people. They usually have a pack, a pack is made up by:

The Alpha Pair: They are the leaders. They make the rules and show loyalty and respect to the pack. They also are the strongest wolves
The Beta Pair
Omega and Pups.

These all play an important role in the pack...

I skipped a few pages being it was boring then I started reading.

Werewolf's have a connection with a certain person this is called a Mate. Many signs can tell if his/her mate is close one of the easiest is there eyes. There eyes glow a piercing green, Other signs which usually come from the male is;
Being Protective, wanting to mate, marking her, and signs of wanting to be alone with her. But these can also can come from females. Males usually find their mate first but that does not always mean the the female cannot. If its a female and her mate is a human she will come on strong like the males to get their attention. They throw fits when their mate is taken away from them while in the middle of something. This usually happens with the Alpha female once she is ready or eager to mate she will make sure that no one will interrupt.

Werewolves have this special way so no one will steal there mate. It is called Marking, once the pair have mate the male will usually mark them right then but some wait. But in other time they will mark their mate then they would mate. Once a male has found it's mate he will do anything just to mark her. It's a sign of telling other wolves or creatures that he/she belongs to someone already. But if a mate dies the Mark is gone and he/she is open for mating and is aloud another mate.
Once they die,the mate process is reversed. They loose the mark. Once a wolf is/has their mate they go through Heat. A period in which the female has a strong desire to mate.

One can refuse their mate after mating, the only way to break the bond is to have a real/true meaning of why they don't accept the mate.

I shut the book quickly, images came flashing back into my mind. Cara's eyes glowing
'A sign that their mate is close is in there eyes. They glow... piercing green' her outburst when Alli shocked her before she had the chance to kiss my neck.
'They throw fits when their mate is taken away from them while in the middle of something.'

I panicked I can not be mated with a wolf!! I'm a human at the age of seventeen. I go on dates and meet different girls then you marry the love of your life! I can't... I opened the other book and it had more on mating, and marking, and I came to a page titled;

'Behavioral Issues'

Usually when a wolf gets mad it's either over pointless things, their mate being taken from them, something that is important, or even when they at stressed out. Wolves DO NOT like small spaces.

No wonder my dad put her is such a big capsule but square.

Wolves like to be around nature, they love being with other wolves also. While some are not social they still like to have other wolves. That's why some are in packs. Alphas do not like it when somebody messes with their pack mates which also causes them to throw a tantrum or fight, which is the usual case some can control them-

"Cody?" My door opened to find Alli
"Dad wants you in the lab." I nodded and she came into my room looking inside the books and snatching the one in my hand away from me and reading
"When did you get so interested in Werewolf's?"
"Ever since it attacked me" she handed me my book and I rubbed my eyes looking at the time,
8:27. I shook my head I've been up for hours reading a stupid book instead of sleeping!? I sighed and did the normal routine.

(Cara's Pov)

I woke up on the dirt I had a dart in my upper arm where my pack tattoo was,I growled and a familiar smell came to me.Cody. I smiled and sat down leaning on the rock as the vampire chick was in the cage next to me looked at me. I hissed at her and sat down playing with the dart I looked over and realized Cody was in the cage with her laughing.. my blood boiled I rolled my eyes and watched them not caring what was going on outside until I heard a thump. Cody left her cage and I followed him to a table with another wolf I looked down at the dart playing with it once again then realize it was Alex from my pack.Yep I'm an Alpha.

I ran to the window and watched as they stuck needles in him taking his blood and giving his all sorts of crap. Cody noticed my gaze and stepped in front of me I signed trying to get a better view of what they where doing with Alex I panicked I hated when people touched my pack. I phased and howled running the front length of the cage I was in. Cody just watched me I put my head onto the glass as his dad stopped poking my friend. I looked at Cody and a tear slid down my wolfs cheek and I ran into the bedroom. I needed blood I'm freaking out without it. I heard the door shut and I walked out in my human form to see a dart in Alex's back I yanked it out.

I pulled on him and pulled him onto the bed for him rest. I sat back down leaning on the rock as I watched Cody turning on the speaker then his dad turned toward me.
"What are you Wolfie.."
"It's Cara" I said only loud enough so that it was barley audible.
"Okay Cara what are you? You grow two sets of Fangs yet my tests have no idea what you are..." I smirked and stood up. I phased halfway and put my nail down writing out the letters 'hybi' in the dirt
"And what is that suppose to be?"
"I don't know" I phased back retracting my nails. "Why don't you ask Cody's girlfriend over there"
I sat back down against the rock hoping Alex would wake up soon.
Cody went into her capsule and his mouth dropped looking over at me I winked and flashed my fangs at him. He ran up to his dad, who looked shocked.

"You do realize I can hear you right?" I said keeping my fangs and yellow eyes. I walked up to him.
"There's no such thing.."
"Oh but there is now could you be a dear and get me some blood yes? I'm nearing bloodlust by the way." He turned off the speaker and pointed to the fridge and Cody got it I looked at Brad he erased some stuff and added more to his note on me. I drank the blood and set the glass down my gaze kept on Cody. He just rolled his eyes and turned away. I went back to leaning against the rock when his voice came across the speaker.

"So your a vampire/werewolf hybrid?" I picked up the dart and threw it at him. I looked around and didn't see his dad.
"You know that sister of yours is quite something"
"But you won't touch her"
"Aww your being so protective.. Tell your sister to stay out of our way or I will find a way out of this stupid cage, and next time it won't be just scratches on the glass...Cody"
"Our way?"
I nodded he looked at me dumb.
"How many times do I have to say this?" I walked up to him and crouched down to be face to face with him I felt my eyes change.
"Your my mate." He shook his head
"No I can't be-"
"But you can" I interrupted him.

"Come in" I said seductively. He shook his head.
"Please? For me? For your mate?" He sighed coming in. I didn't let myself attack him, or showering him in kisses either . I patted the dirt beside me he sat down in front of me. I frowned but breathed out heavily.
"You okay?" I nodded
"When a wolf finds its mate it want to mark him or her whenever they can. My wolf is overpowering me.." He just sat there then I heard growling and turned to see Alex running to Cody.
"Get down!" I jumped over him shielding him.

'Leave him alone Alex'

'What are you doing he captured us and has you in a cage he can't be that important' he gasped

'It is'

' I can't believe you mate is a human though! You'd think since your the highest ranking you would get better..'

'He is and I Love Him'

He shifted and so did I stared at him before he hugged me.
"I'm sorry Alpha" I laughed
"It's Cara" I pulled away.
"This is Alex..he is in my pack."
"I can see he has the same tattoo" I nodded sitting back in front of Cody.
"Is he a hy.." He whispered I nodded
"Ugh!!" Alex said then punched the wall.
"Why don't the mind links work!?!"
"We are to far" he ran his fingers through his hair I read his mind.

"She will be okay.." He looked at me tensing.
"Please get out of my head.." He said angrily then he stormed into the bedroom.
"What was that?"
"Nothing" I said climbing on top of him pushing him down and pressing my lips to his he surprisingly kissed back. I smiled through the kiss and tangled my hands in his hair as he rubbed up and down my back, we kissed slowly. It started getting rougher and I traded his lips for his neck. My lips trailed down his neck kissing softly and my fangs came out. I stopped, I didn't want to mark him just yet but my wolf yelled at me to I fought with her until I was socked off him by Alli again.

That sister of his is really ticking me off Cody left the cage and I cursed at Alli until I felt someone's hands around my waist pulling me. Alex. I saw Brad come in and I phased pushing him off me. Alex regained his strength and phased quickly.

'Don't Cara'

'Why!? You afraid of a little fight?'

'Your mad at the girl because of Cody... your better than this'

'I don't know I can't control myself anymore I need my woods back I want to hunt'

'Thats why I came here is to get you out I told the pack if I'm not back my tonight to come and get us at  two am'

'Im still mad I want to fight just like old times who ever loses gets to carry Cody out of here with us'

'Game on' he said

(Cody's Pov)

"What where you thinking?!" I shrugged and noticed the wolfs where jut staring at each other.
"What are they doing?" I asked my dad
"Mind linking its a way to communicate" suddenly the brown wolf attacked and Cara was pinned to the floor. But she kicked him off and they started fighting. Then my dad pushed the Button and they phased into human form. The speaker still on heard everything
"Will you freaking quit that?!" Cara screamed stomping into the bedroom to have Alex follow her I did get a little jealous.

Cody got jealous... Like it?

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